
New Team Member - Julian Hernandez (student assistant)

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Name: Julian Hernandez
Role: Student Assistant
Reports to: Tiffany / Hunter

Google Workspace Email Address:
GitHub Username: @julianofhernandez
Slack Username: Julian Hernandez


  • Technical Onboarding call scheduled

  • Added to tools:

    • Github
      • Organization: Cal-ITP
      • Team: warehouse-users and warehouse-contributors
    • JupyterLab
    • Google Cloud Console
    • Slack
  • Added to Slack channels:

    • #data-analyses
    • #data-office-hours
    • #data
    • #ct-bdat-internal

Granted these Google IAM permissions (slightly downgraded variation than analysts on some):

  • BigQuery User (same as analysts)
  • Viewer (same as analysts)
  • Service Usage Viewer (instead of Service Usage Consumer)
  • Storage Object User (insetad of Storage Object Admin)

Note: Jeremy adds access to Google Team Drive. Adjust the new team member template with points of contact.