
Update ODS copy to ODS 1.0.0

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We would like to change the copy for the Operational Data Standard website to remove redundancies, organize information logically, and make sure all the information is up-to-date in advance of the planned public launch of ODS. This issue contains updates for the Specification page (


  • Remove text under Operational Data Standard and Overview headings
  • Add text:


The Operational Data Standard was last updated on April 14, 2022 (v1.0). The full revision history can be accessed here.

Dataset Files

File Name Description
deadheads.txt Defines scheduled deadheads contained in a transit feed. (This file is analogous to trips.txt for non-revenue operations.)
ops_locations.txt Significant operational locations relevant to the performance of vehicle deadheads. (This file is analogous to stops.txt for non-revenue operations.)
deadhead_times.txt Times that a vehicle arrives at and departs from operational locations for each deadhead. (This file is analogous to stop_times.txt for non-revenue operations.)
runs_pieces.txt Defines daily personnel schedules within a feed.
run_events.txt Defines other scheduled activities to be performed by a member of personnel during a run.

Field Definitions


Field Name Type Required Description
deadhead_id ID Required Identifies a deadhead.
service_id ID referencing calendar.service_id Required Identifies a set of dates when the deadhead is scheduled to take place.
block_id ID Required Identifies the block to which the deadhead belongs.
shape_id ID referencing shapes.shape_id Optional Identifies a geospatial shape that describes the vehicle travel path for a deadhead.
to_trip_id ID referencing trips.trip_id Conditionally Required Identifies the trip scheduled immediately following to the deadhead within the block_id.
from_trip_id ID referencing trips.trip_id Conditionally Required Identifies the trip scheduled immediately prior to the deadhead within the block_id.
to_deadhead_id ID referencing deadheads.deadhead_id Conditionally Required Identifies the deadhead scheduled immediately following the deadhead within the block_id.
to_deadhead_id ID referencing deadheads.deadhead_id Conditionally Required Identifies the deadhead scheduled immediately prior to the deadhead within the block_id.


Field Name Type Required Description
ops_location_id ID Required Identifies an operational location.
ops_location_code String Optional Short text or a number that identifies the operational location for internal use.
ops_location_name String Required Name of the operational location.
ops_location_desc String Optional Description of the operational location.
ops_location_lat Latitude Required The latitude of the operational location.
ops_location_lon Longitude Required The longitude of the operational location.


Field Name Type Required Description
deadhead_id ID referencing deadheads.deadhead_id Required Identifies a deadhead.
arrival_time Time Required The time at which the vehicle is scheduled to arrive at the operational location specified by this record.
departure_time Time Required The time at which the vehicle is scheduled to depart from the operational location specified by this record.
ops_location_id ID referencing ops_locations.ops_location_id Conditionally Required Identifies the operational location specified by this record.

If stop_id is blank, ops_location_id is required. If stop_id is not blank, ops_location_id must be blank.
stop_id ID referencing stops.stop_id Conditionally Required Identifies the stop specified by this record.

If ops_location_id is blank, stop_id is required. If ops_location_id is not blank, stop_id must be blank.
location_sequence Non-negative Integer Required Order of locations, including both operational locations and stops, for a particular deadhead. The values must increase along the trip but do not need to be consecutive.
shape_dist_traveled Non-negative Float Optional Actual distance traveled along the associated shape, from the first location to the location specified in this record.


Field Name Type Required Description
run_id ID Required Identifies a run.
piece_id ID Required Identifies the piece of the run. The piece_id field must be unique.
start_type Enum Required Indicates whether the piece begins with a deadhead, a revenue trip, or an event.

0 - Deadhead
1 - Trip
2 - Event
start_trip_id ID referencing deadheads.deadhead_id or trips.trip_id Required Identifies the deadhead or trip with which the piece begins.
start_trip_position Non-negative Integer referencing deadhead_times.location_sequence or stop_times.stop_sequence Optional Identifies the first operational location or stop to be serviced in the first trip of the piece. This field should only be filled out if the piece does not begin at the first stop of the start trip.
end_type Enum Required Indicates whether the piece ends with a deadhead, a revenue trip, or an event.

0 - Deadhead
1 - Trip
2 - Event
end_trip_id ID referencing deadheads.deadhead_id or trips.trip_id Required Identifies the deadhead or trip with which the piece ends.
end_trip_position Non-negative Integer referencing deadhead_times.location_sequence or stop_times.stop_sequence Optional Identifies the last operational location or stop to be serviced in the last trip of the piece. This field should only be filled out if the piece does not end at the last stop of the end trip.


Field Name Type Required Description
run_event_id ID Required Identifies a run event.
piece_id ID referencing runs_pieces.piece_id Required Identifies the piece during which the run event takes place.
event_type Enum Required Indicates which event is scheduled in this entry.

0 - Report Time
1 - Pre-Trip Activity
2 - Post-Trip Activity
3 - Fueling
4 - Break
5 - Availability
6 - Activity
7 - Other
event_name String Optional The name for the event that is being used.
event_time Time Required The time at which the event begins.
event_duration Non-negative Integer Required The scheduled duration of the event from the event_time in seconds.
event_from_location_type Enum Optional Indicates whether the event is scheduled to begin at an operational location or a stop.

0 - Operational Location
1 - Stop
event_from_location_id ID referencing ops_locations.ops_location_id or stops.stop_id Optional Identifies the operational location or stop at which the event is scheduled to begin.
event_to_location_type Enum Optional Indicates whether the event is scheduled to end at an operational location or a stop.

0 - Operational Location
1 - Stop
event_to_location_id ID referencing ops_locations.ops_location_id or stops.stop_id Optional Identifies the operational location or stop at which the event is scheduled to end.
  • Under the Reference header, add link from "The full revision history can be accessed here." to a new Revision History page

@thekaveman text updated to make consistent with v1.0.0 in Google Docs