
Use Google Analytics to Report on Agency Engagement

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We have been tracking the GTFS quality reports for the past two months but have yet to report on any of the findings. It would be helpful to know the following:

  • Which agency is viewing the reports the most?
  • Which agencies forward the reports?
  • Which agencies spend the most time looking at reports?
  • Which agencies have opened the email but never clicked on the link?

There might be other questions that will pop up but at the very least it would help inform agency outreach

For the sake of transparency, I am adding notes from a discussion about potential metrics that could help inform the report process

How many Agencies are opening the emails?
Answered by: Postmark

Track Opens
Track Links
Potentially where they are clicking in the email
Potential metric- how many are using the button vs. link

How many new users do we have each month?
Answered by: Google Analytics

New Users
Monthly Gtfs Quality Reports
Monthly GTFS Quality Reports: Apr 2022

How do we track changes to the google sheet of agency contacts?

Version history?

What is the average engagement time?
Answered by: Google Analytics

Average engagement time
Monthly GTFS Quality Reports (main landing page)
Monthly GTFS Quality Reports: Apr 2022
Potentially at other pages/months?

Who are the biggest users?
Answered by Google Analytics

Have the most views per month over time
Have users been very active but then drop off?
Sync with Olivia about which users consistently email feedback
Postmark link tracking for ‘contact us’

Have they given user interviews?

(Down the line)- have they clicked on survey/ submitted

Which part of the report are they spending the most time?

Is it an area of interest?
Is it an area of confusion?

How many users come from the email link vs. organic search?

Is this url being used elsewhere?
Is available in google search engine

What is the month-over-month growth in users?
Answered by Google Analytics

Month is defined as when they are sent out (second week to second week of next month)

What browsers/devices are used the most?
Answered by: Google Analytics and Postmark

Will be helpful for informing UX designers