
Use precompiled headers

Closed this issue · 3 comments

It would be nice to use precompiled headers to improve build times:

Though it looks like there is no support for mac. So not sure how we handle that...

If you're using xcode you just set GCC_PRECOMPILE_PREFIX_HEADER = YES and
GCC_PREFIX_HEADER = wxWidgets/include/wx/wxprec.h (I haven't used make with
wxWidgets on Mac in a long time so I'm not sure about precompiled headers
without xcode...)

Update 2:
Interestingly enough, here's what the header says:

// check if to use precompiled headers: do it for most Windows compilers unless
// explicitly disabled by defining NOPCH
if defined(VISUALC) || \
defined(__DMC__)       || \
defined(__VISAGECPP__) || \
defined(__WATCOMC__)   || \

// If user did not request NOCPH and we're not building using configure
// then assume user wants precompiled headers.
#if !defined(NOPCH) && !defined(__WX_SETUP_H__)
    #define WX_PRECOMP

conspicuously Missing: OSX…
Guess I've been drinking the coolaid too long...

Update 3:
Ah... no, it looks like wxWidgets does this differently for gcc/clang.
WX_PRECOMP is defined in the gcc command line options either by configure
or the xcode project. It looks like they now include the .xcconfig files in
the samples xcode projects so that's another way of getting all this
right. Then it should just be automatic. Precompiled headers in Visual
Studio is more of pain.

This is fixed in 3.3.4 for Mac. I changed the project settings and added a define. That looked simple enough.

Issue still there for Windows builds. Recommend keeping this open.

Sounds good. I'll tag it as Windows specific.

Addressed in #127