
[BUG]:Time Zone Update Toast , Not disappear ...

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When I update the time zone on, it will show the toast in the bottom center, but it is stuck on the screen and does not disappear.
For ref -

To fix the issue where the toast notification for time zone updates remains on the screen and does not disappear, you should adjust the showToast function calls to include a duration parameter, ensuring the toast is automatically dismissed after a set time. For example, in the onSuccessMutation and onErrorMutation functions, you can specify the toast to disappear after 5 seconds (5000 milliseconds) like so:

const onSuccessMutation = async () => {
  showToast(t("updated_timezone_to", { formattedCurrentTz }), "success", 5000);

const onErrorMutation = () => {
  showToast(t("couldnt_update_timezone"), "error", 5000);

This assumes the showToast function supports a duration parameter or a similar mechanism for auto-hiding. If showToast does not have this feature, you may need to refer to the @calcom/ui documentation or consider a custom implementation for toast notifications that includes auto-hide functionality. Check the implementation in the TimezoneChangeDialog.tsx file and the showToast function in the repository for more details.



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Hi @PeerRich , is anyone working on this bug? If not, could it be assigned to me?

@PeerRich the default TOAST visible duration is define so it should be an issue here i can see, seems to be some browser or dom related issue?

type ToastVariants = "success" | "warning" | "error";
export function showToast(
message: string,
variant: ToastVariants,
// Options or duration (duration for backwards compatibility reasons)
options: number | ToastOptions = TOAST_VISIBLE_DURATION
) {

@raza001 can you please share the issue in more details and process how the issue occurs? and reproduced steps.

I think it is a browser issue; it is working fine on Incognito

thanks @raza001 for the confirmation, but i guess 6 sec is normal time for a Toast.