
Unable to retrieve timeZone for provided event-type

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Issue Summary

Unable to retrieve the timeZone using the{id} API mentioned here. Also tried out using /v2/event-types/{eventTypeId}: but getting 400 error in this case.

  1. using{id}: response contains timeZone: null
  2. using /v2/event-types/{eventTypeId}, I'm getting HTTP 400 error

Steps to Reproduce

Request payload for{id} (ref.

curl --location '<cal_live_xyz>'


    "event_type": {
        "id": 968063,
        "title": "Bolna POC - Discussion",
        "slug": "bolna-discussion",
        "length": 30,
        "hidden": false,
        "position": 0,
        "userId": 943013,
        "teamId": null,
        "scheduleId": 292490,
        "eventName": null,
        "timeZone": null,
        "periodType": "UNLIMITED",

Request payload for /v2/event-types/{eventTypeId} (ref.

curl --location '' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'cal-api-version: 2024-06-14' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <cal_live_xyz>'


  "status": "error",
  "timestamp": "2024-09-28T07:01:21.184Z",
  "path": "/v2/event-types/968063",
  "error": {
    "code": "BAD_REQUEST",
    "message": "0 - Invalid input, "

Note: cal_live_xyz: is only used for representation purpose here, actual request used a valid API key.

@prateeksachan According to the document, you see that the response example has a null timezone, so this is intentional. By the way, why do you want to retrieve the timezone?

@anikdhabal the event for which I'm fetching, has a valid timeZone. Is there any way or API to get the timezone for that event? Or is that intentional and currently there's no way to get the timezone via APIs?

I have a use-case where I want to show all events belonging to a user with the timezones.