
Add support for Encoding and Decoding nested objects with dot notation (Prototype implementation for the Swift Standard Library)

Primary LanguageSwift



Today, encoding and decoding Codable objects using the compiler's synthesized implementation requires that your object graph has a one-to-one mapping to the object graph of the target payload. This decreases the control that authors have over their Codable models.

I propose that we add a new CodingKeyPath type that allows consumers to key into nested objects using dot notation.

Swift-evolution thread: CodingKeyPath


Application authors often have little to no control over the structure of the encoded payloads they receive. It is often desirable to rename or reorganize fields of the payload at the time of decoding.

Here is a theoretical JSON payload representing a Swift Evolution proposal (SE-0274):

  "id": "SE-0274",
  "title": "Concise magic file names",
  "metadata": {
    "review_start_date": "2020-01-08T00:00:00Z",
    "review_end_date": "2020-01-16T00:00:00Z"

The consumer of this payload may prefer to hoist fields from the metadata object to the root level:

struct EvolutionProposal: Codable {
  var id: String
  var title: String
  var reviewStartDate: Date
  var reviewEndDate: Date

Today, this would require writing a fair amount of boilerplate. The consumer would need to either write custom encoding and decoding implementation or proxy to Codable subtypes.

Proposed solution

I propose that we add a new CodingKeyPath type that allows consumers to key into nested objects using dot notation.

struct EvolutionProposal: Codable {
  var id: String
  var title: String
  var reviewStartDate: Date
  var reviewEndDate: Date
  enum CodingKeyPaths: String, CodingKeyPath {
    case id
    case title
    case reviewStartDate = "metadata.review_start_date"
    case reviewEndDate = "metadata.review_end_date"

Prior art

NSDictionary.value(forKeyPath:) supports retrieving nested values using dot notation.

Many existing model parsing frameworks support dot notation for accessing nested keys. Some examples include:

  • Mantle, "Model framework for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch"
  • Unbox, "The easy to use Swift JSON decoder"
  • ObjectMapper, "Simple JSON Object mapping written in Swift"

Detailed design

New Standard Library types

/// A type that can be used as a key path for encoding and decoding.
public protocol CodingKeyPath {
  /// The components of this path. Derived automatically for a `CodingKeyPaths` enum:
  ///   enum CodingKeyPaths: String, CodingKeyPath {
  ///     /// components = ["rootValue"]
  ///     case rootValue       
  ///     /// components = ["nestedObject", "value"]
  ///     case nestedValue = "nestedObject.value" 
  ///  }
  var components: [CodingKey] { get }

/// A container for encoding with a `CodingKeyPath` type.
///  - Internally wraps a `KeyedEncodingContainer`. 
///  - Recursively follows a `CodingKeyPath` by encoding a `nestedContainer` for each component.
public struct KeyPathEncodingContainer<K: CodingKeyPath> {
  public mutating func encode<T>(_ value: T, forKeyPath keyPath: K) throws where T: Encodable
  public mutating func encodeIfPresent<T>(_ value: T?, forKeyPath keyPath: K) throws where T: Encodable

/// A container for decoding with a `CodingKeyPath` type.
///  - Internally wraps a `KeyedDecodingContainer`. 
///  - Recursively follows a `CodingKeyPath` by decoding a`nestedContainer` for each component.
public struct KeyPathDecodingContainer<K> where K: CodingKeyPath {  
  public func decode<T>(_ type: T.Type, forKeyPath keyPath: K) throws -> T where T: Decodable
  public func decodeIfPresent<T>(_ type: T.Type, forKeyPath keyPath: K) throws -> T? where T: Decodable

New Standard Library methods

This proposal doesn't add any new requirements on the Encoder and Decoder protocols, so all existing implementations (JSONEncoder, PlistDecoder, etc.) will receive this behavior automatically.

  • KeyPathEncodingContainer and KeyPathDecodingContainer simply wrap the existing KeyedEncodingContainer and KeyedEncodingContainer types, so they don't require any additional support.
public extension Encoder {
  func keyPathContainer<KeyPath>(keyedBy type: KeyPath.Type) -> KeyPathEncodingContainer<KeyPath> where KeyPath: CodingKeyPath

public extension KeyedEncodingContainer {
  mutating func nestedKeyPathContainer<KeyPath>(keyedBy type: KeyPath.Type, forKey key: Key) throws -> KeyPathEncodingContainer<KeyPath> where KeyPath: CodingKeyPath

public extension UnkeyedEncodingContainer {
  mutating func nestedKeyPathContainer<KeyPath>(keyedBy type: KeyPath.Type) throws -> KeyPathEncodingContainer<KeyPath> where KeyPath: CodingKeyPath
public extension Decoder {
  func keyPathContainer<KeyPath>(keyedBy type: KeyPath.Type) throws -> KeyPathDecodingContainer<KeyPath> where KeyPath: CodingKeyPath

public extension KeyedDecodingContainer {
  mutating func nestedKeyPathContainer<KeyPath>(keyedBy type: KeyPath.Type, forKey key: Key) throws -> KeyPathDecodingContainer<KeyPath> where KeyPath: CodingKeyPath

public extension UnkeyedDecodingContainer {
  mutating func nestedKeyPathContainer<KeyPath>(keyedBy type: KeyPath.Type) throws -> KeyPathDecodingContainer<KeyPath> where KeyPath: CodingKeyPath

Codable Conformance Synthesis

The compiler with synthesize init(from decoder: Decoder) and encode(to encoder: Encoder) implementations for types that provide a CodingKeyPaths enum.

  • It is invalid for a type to provide both a CodingKeys enum and a CodingKeyPaths enum.
  • If a Codable type doesn't provide either a CodingKeys enum or a CodingKeyPaths enum, the compiler will synthesize a CodingKeys enum.
  • The compiler will never automatically synthesize a CodingKeyPaths enum.
struct EvolutionProposal: Codable {
  var id: String
  var title: String
  var reviewStartDate: Date
  var reviewEndDate: Date

  enum CodingKeyPaths: String, CodingKeyPath {
    case id
    case title
    case reviewStartDate = "metadata.reviewStartDate"
    case reviewEndDate = "metadata.reviewEndDate"
  /// Synthesized by the compiler:
  init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
    let container = try decoder.keyPathContainer(keyedBy: CodingKeyPaths.self)
    id = try container.decode(String.self, forKeyPath: .id)
    title = try container.decode(String.self, forKeyPath: .title)
    reviewStartDate = try container.decode(Date.self, forKeyPath: .reviewStartDate)
    reviewEndDate = try container.decode(Date.self, forKeyPath: .reviewEndDate)
  /// Synthesized by the compiler:
  func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
    var container = encoder.keyPathContainer(keyedBy: CodingKeyPaths.self)
    try container.encode(id, forKeyPath: .id)
    try container.encode(title, forKeyPath: .title)
    try container.encode(reviewStartDate, forKeyPath: .reviewStartDate)
    try container.encode(reviewEndDate, forKeyPath: .reviewEndDate)

Source compatibility

This proposal is purely additive, so it has no appreciable effect on source compatibility.

  • Code synthesis behavior and/or source validity may change for Codable models that currently have a subtype named CodingKeyPaths.
  • A quick GitHub search for enum CodingKeyPaths doesn't yield any relevant results, so this seems like a non-issue.

Effect on ABI stability

This proposal is purely additive, so it has no effect on ABI stability.

Effect on API resilience

This proposal is purely additive to the public API of the Standard Library. If this proposal was adopted and implemented, it would not be able to be removed resiliently.

Alternatives considered

Support indexing into arrays or other advanced operations

This design could potentially support advanced operations like indexing into arrays (metadata.authors[0].email, etc). Objective-C Key-Value Coding paths, for example, has a very complex and sophisticated DSL.

  • The author believes that there isn't enough need or existing precident to warrant a more complex design.
  • Indexing into arrays seems useful on the surface, but would be quite limited in practice.
    • For example, you would be able to index into the first element of an array ([0]) but not the last element of the array.
    • Additionally, UnkeyedEncodingContainer and UnkeyedDecodingContainer only support sequential access (no performant support for random access).

Name the type CodingPath instead of CodingKeyPath

In the pitch thread for this proposal, it was brought up that the name CodingKeyPath could potentially cause confusion with the existing KeyPath type. We could potentially choose a different name for this type, like CodingPath.

We would also need to rename the other types and methods added in this proposal:

  • encoder.keyPathContainer(keyedBy: CodingKeyPaths.self) would become encoder.pathContainer(keyedBy: CodingPaths.self)
  • KeyPathEncodingContainer would become PathEncodingContainer

Make this the default behavior for CodingKeys

Valid JSON keys may contain dots:

    "id": "SE-0274",
    "title": "Concise magic file names",
    "metadata.review_start_date": "2020-01-08T00:00:00Z",
    "metadata.review_end_date": "2020-01-16T00:00:00Z"

It's practically guaranteed that there are existing Codable models that rely on this behavior. We can't add dot-notation keypath semantics to the existing CodingKeys type without breaking backwards compatibility for these models.

  • We could make this the default decoding behavior without breaking backwards compatibility by preferring the flat key when an exact match is present.

  • We cannot make this the default encoding behavior without breaking backwards compatibility. Encoding must be a one-to-one mapping (unlike decoding, which can potentially be a many-to-one mapping).

Enable this behavior by setting a flag on the encoder or decoder

A previous version of this proposal added NestedKeyEncodingStrategy and NestedKeyDecodingStrategy configuration flags to Foundation.JSONEncoder and Foundation.JSONDecoder:

let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.nestedKeyDecodingStrategy = .useDotNotation
try decoder.decode(EvolutionProposal.self, from: Data(originalJsonPayload.utf8))

Tony Parker (on the Foundation team at Apple) noted two main drawbacks to that approach:

  1. It applies "globally" across the entire archive. That moves part of the behavior of how encode/decode works from the type itself (where the most knowledge about structure lies) into the encoder/decoder.

  2. It does not apply across different kinds of encoders and decoders. If EvolutionProposal specified the keys with the . syntax then it would effectively require JSONEncoder to encode and decode itself, because part of the data structure is now part of the key name instead.

This CodingKeyPaths approach described in this proposal is:

  1. Configured on a per-type basis
  2. Compatible "for free" with all existing Encoder and Decoder implementations.

Enable this behavior by setting a static flag on the CodingKeys type

We could potentially allow authors to opt-in to this behavior by configuring a static flag on their CodingKeys type:

// In the Standard Library:

public protocol CodingKey {
  // A new protocol requirement:
  static var options: CodingKeyOptions { get }

public struct CodingKeyOptions {
  var dotNotationRepresentsNestedPath: Bool

// Default configuration to preserve source compatability and existing behavior:
public extension CodingKey {
  static var options: CodingKeyOptions {
    CodingKeyOptions(dotNotationRepresentsNestedPath: false)
// EvolutionProposal.swift
struct EvolutionProposal: Codable { 
  enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
    case id
    case title
    case reviewStartDate = "metadata.review_start_date"
    case reviewEndDate = "metadata.review_end_date"

    static var options: CodingKeyOptions { 
      CodingKeyOptions(dotNotationRepresentsNestedPath: true) 

This approach seems appealing on the surface:

  • We would only need to introduce one new type to the Standard Library (CodingKeyOptions)
  • CodingKeyOptions could be extended in the future to provide other customization points.
    • For example, we could add a key-transformation option similar to Foundation.JSONEncoder.KeyEncodingStrategy.convertToSnakeCase.

The unfortunate downside is that it's not possible to introduce new behavior on the existing CodingKeys type without breaking backward compatability with existing Encoder and Decoder implementations.

  • We could update Foundation's encoders and decoders (JSONEncoder, PlistEncoder, etc.) to respect these new options, but existing third-party implementations would also need to be updated.
  • We shouldn't introduce options that aren't guaranteed to be respected in the concrete Encoder or Decoder implementation being used.

The only way to add new behavior to all existing Encoder and Decoder implementations is to introduce a new enhanced version of CodingKey, along with corresponding enchanced KeyedEncodingContainer and KeyedDecodingContainer wrappers:

/// Like a `CodingKey`, but with additional configuration options. ("CodingKey 2.0")
public protocol ConfigurableCodingKey {
  var stringValue: String { get }
  var intValue: Int? { get }
  static var options: CodingKeyOptions { get }

public struct CodingKeyOptions {
  var dotNotationRepresentsNestedPath: Bool

public extension Encoder {
  func container<ConfigurableKey: ConfigurableCodingKey>(keyedBy: ConfigurableKey) -> ConfiguredKeyedEncodingContainer<ConfigurableKey>

/// This `ConfigurableKeyedEncodingContainer` would wrap existing `KeyedEncodingContainer` implementations,
/// which would allows the Standard Library to apply additional transformations.
/// All existing `Encoder` implementations would get this support "for free".
public struct ConfigurableKeyedEncodingContainer<ConfigurableKey: ConfigurableCodingKey> {

  private let underlyingKeyedEncodingContainer: KeyedEncodingContainer<_>

  public func encode<T: Encodable>(_ value: T, atKey key: ConfigurableKey) {
    // Apply transformations to the key as specified by the `CodingKeyOptions`
    // The Standard Library can add arbitrary complex key transformations here
    // and it would apply to all existing `Encoder` implementations.

// along with a corresponding `ConfigurableKeyedDecodingContainer` implementation.
  • The CodingKeyPath implementation in this proposal uses this exact approach to add additional behavior on top of the existing KeyedEncodingContainer and KeyedDecodingContainer APIs.

  • This would be an improvement over the existing CodingKeys type, but it has worse ergonomics than CodingKeys and the proposed CodingKeyPaths.

    • The author belives there aren't enough additional use cases for a static CodingKeyOptions customization point for it to pull its syntactic weight.

    • Static type-level configuration is less useful than per-property configuration, which cannot be done ergonomically using the existing CodingKeys design.

  • A "key" and a "path" have fundamentally different encoding and decoding semantics. It seems more appropriate to treat a CodingKeyPath as a distinct type rather than a flag or option on some CodingKey type.

Introduce an annotation-based alternative to CodingKeys

Instead of building upon the design of CodingKeys, we could design an entirely new system using property-wrapper-like annotations.

struct EvolutionProposal: Codable {

  // @Key("id")  (compiler-synthesized)
  var id: String
  // @Key("title")  (compiler-synthesized)
  var title: String
  var reviewStartDate: Date
  var reviewEndDate: Date

The author believes it's more appropriate to extend and built upon the existing CodingKeys-based system:

  • CodingKeys cannot be removed or replaced, since that would be massively source-breaking.
  • The language should not include two separate / competing Codable systems.