
Different control sequence for Backspace and Ctrl+Backspace

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Drup commented

It would be very nice to be able to define an alternative control sequence for Ctrl-backspace (as urxvt does). I'm not sure if it's a limitation of vte or not.

I made a quick googling but still not sure what Ctrl-backspace really does in an urxvt.
vte could send strings to its console, but I have not tried feeding control sequence though.

Drup commented

Which control sequence urxvt sends is not important (urxvt is inconsistent in this aspect anyway), the important fact is only that it sends one that is different than backspace.

So you want Ctrl-backspace to send backspace in (evil)vte?

Drup commented

That's the current behavior, and that's precisely what I don't want !

Let me show you why I want it. Here is what I have in my .zshrc :

bindkey "^[[3;5~" kill-word # ctrl+delete delete a whole word

I would like to add

bindkey "SOMETHING" backward-delete-word

with SOMETHING being a control sequence returned when I press Ctrl+backspace.

I would like alt+backspace too, btw ;)

Ah, I see.
Your feature request is in my TODO list now, but I have not touched evilvte code for quite some time...:-P

Drup commented

nice, thanks.