
[Bug] No chat is shown when used together with react-facebook FacebookProvider

alex-kowalczyk opened this issue · 3 comments

React-facebook provides variety of FB-related components. I strongly suspect there is a conflict causing the chat to often not show (but not always), possibly depending on the order of initialization of both packages.

Describe the bug

How To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Setup both providers and messenger button
<FacebookProvider appId="xxxx">
<LiveChatLoaderProvider providerKey="yyyy" appId="xxxxx" provider="messenger" locale="en_US">
<Messenger />

(Tried also without appId in LiveChatLoaderProvider)
2. Load the page
3. Click the messenger button

Actual results:

  • Chat does not show most of the time (but not always)
  • Exception is logged
TypeError: window.FB.CustomerChat is undefined
at .open ( [../../../src/providers/messenger.ts:81] )
at .open ( [../../../src/providers/messenger.ts:81] )
at .check ( [../../../src/utils/waitForLoad.ts:15] )
at .check ( [../../../src/utils/waitForLoad.ts:20] )
at .check ( [../../../src/utils/waitForLoad.ts:20] )
  • Digging deeper I found that messenger.ts:loadScript:16 (link) returns false because window.FB is already there, possibly initialized by react-facebook package.

Expected behaviour

Should the check in messenger.ts not relay on window.FB presence, or ensure that customer chat is there?

@alex-kowalczyk, we don't use FB messenger so our knowledge is limited to what you've observed and reported (thank you for the all the details, btw!).

I agree, seems like the check should be window.FB?.CustomerChat in messenger.ts:loadScript:16. Given you've already got a test case in your site, did you want to give that a go and report back if successful?

Hey @alex-kowalczyk, just wanted to check back with you. Do you still have a test case that could help to verify my suggestion? Your feedback will be helpful in this regard 👍

@alex-kowalczyk — thanks for raising this one. Digging further into the issue we found that FacebookProvider removes CustomerChat from window.FB if initialized after react-live-chat-loader, so it would seem the two libraries aren't compatible.

Closing this one for now as an issue that might need to be resolved on react-facebook’s end.