
How to disable flip on JDFlipCLockView?

steve21124 opened this issue · 6 comments

How to disable flip on JDFlipCLockView.m? There is JDFlipAnimationType that can be set to JDFlipAnimationTypeNone

Why would you want this? Its all about flipping here. Currently it's not possible.

yes. I know it is about flipping. just incase if don't want flipping. I can just reuse the same class...

Yes.. currently not possible directly, sry. You could subclass JDFlipClockView and overwrite it like this:

- (void)updateValuesAnimated:(BOOL)animated;
    [super updateValuesAnimated:NO];

added a property now..

wow, thats super quick.... thanks....

was working on it anyway. quick fix ,)