
Simple Android 2D Ball Maze Game controller by the accelerometer


Simple Android 2D Ball Maze Game controller by the accelerometer

How to open the Unity project

  1. Clone the project.
  2. Open Unity Hub -> Projects and click add
  3. Select the cloned folder BallMazeGame
  4. Open the project.
  5. When loaded, click on the file BallMazeGamePackage.unitypackage and import all Assets.
  6. Switch to Platform Android in the File -> Build Settings



Title Screen

Level Screen

Level 2.2


Use the accelerometer of the smartphone to implement a 2D ball maze game with the following requirements:

  1. At least 2 levels
  2. 5-10 holes per level
  3. 5-10 walls per level
  4. Optional additional level
  5. Optional more than one ball
  6. Optional additional game objects
  7. Optional menu navigation with high score and level selection

Until 7th of June 2020–11:55pm