
Doesn't update properly when bricks are images?

fraser-hemp opened this issue · 10 comments

I have a container full of a links which contain <img>s . I first pack the container, but after I add new images and try to update, they always sit behind each other (as if they have no height or width, even though when I debug the brick.js lib, it definitely recognizes the imgs height). The update is on the image loaded event. Using pack instead works, but I would much rather figure out why update isn't working.

Turns out it's because the container a elements weren't returning the height of the image within. Couldn't change the display so instead I set the setNodeDimensions to a querySelector, might add this as a PR for optional element targeting.

Hey there. I'm running into the same issue. Do you have a pull request for this?

Isn't the problem caused because the images have no initial size before loaded? I would update the grid on the image load event.

Yeah, you're right. That seems to fix it. Thanks for the help.

@fraser-hemp @ryanhovland @appinteractive closing this one as it seems as though the answer has been determined - when the DOM is ready the images might not necessarily be loaded, and so they might have no height. try listening to window.readystatechange for when document.readyState === 'complete'

My issue wasn't waiting for imgs to load, it was the packed elements weren't inheriting the height of the child imgs. The solution was adding a querySelector in setNodeDimensions on each img load event.

@fraser-hemp my mistake, thanks for writing up the correction in case someone looks at this in the future

is there an example of this somewhere? having the same issue in react/next.js


@callmecavs I know this isn't an issue of Bricks, but I am having a problem with the layout when I do infinite loading with dynamic images.
The first render on document.readyState === 'complete' works but after that when I get the next batch of images, I am doing image.onload event to do bricks.update() . This triggers Bricks update even when just 1 image has loaded and then the rest gets stacked on top of each other.
Any suggestions on how to fix that?
demo link here

I solved the issue with something like this:

<img src="..." onload="reflowBricks()" />

Where reflowBricks is a function that calls instance.pack(). This makes bricks reflow each time an image finishes loading, which I think is the best user experience.