[Missing Feature] Redirect download on FTP IPV6 Fails
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Hello all,
I have discovered that the redirect to ipv6 ftp server fails when testing
Environment information
The server and my client are running on windows on the same machine with the same ipv6 addresses ( GUA addresses).
The FTP server is also running on the same machine . FTP is set with a FTP user with no password required.
Tested on FTP on LAN and internet with both v6 and v4 using clients and ports. Its correct.
All this to say FTP server is setup correctly.
Now when i add a ipv6 address based redirect URL like this :
seta sv_wwwBaseURL "ftp://username:@[ipv6_gua_address]/cod4"
With +set developer 2 and +set developer_script 1
clientDownload: 0 : begining "mods/xxx/mod.ff"
Writing mods/xxx/mod.ff len 283714
Redirecting client 'fruck' to ftp://user:@[ipv6_gua_address]/cod4/mods/xxxn/mod.ff
^2SV_ExecuteReliableMessage() cmd: 5
^2SV_SelectDownloadBlocksX_f a serverdownload is no longer in progress - ignoring this command
^2^2Processed 13 bytes for client fruck
^2SV_ExecuteReliableMessage() cmd: 5
^3Warning: Client 'fruck' reported that the http download of 'mods/xxx/mod.ff' failed, falling back to a server download
^2SV_SendClientGameState() for fruck
^2Going from CS_CONNECTED to CS_PRIMED for fruck
^2Sending 38731 bytes in gamestate to client: 0
^2^2Processed 5 bytes for client fruck
The redirect fails. My hunch is that the client is perhaps missing the feature for redirecting using ipv6 addresses?
If u pinpoint the somewhat exact code i may be able to push a request my self