Some Commands crash the Server
Bladeinio opened this issue · 1 comments
Some Commands I made for the Admin System crash the server via timeout without showing any error in the logfiles. No matter how I write the command it crash's it any time.
Similar commands which have a Similar code but different function work.
Im using a CoD4 Deathrun Mod.
Commands that are mainly the problem are the following ones:
case "spawnall":
players = getallplayers();
if(isdefined(players[i].pers["team"]) && players[i].pers["team"] == "allies" && players[i].sessionstate != "playing")
players[i] thread braxi_mod::spawnplayer();
else if(players[i].ghost)
players[i] suicide();
wait 0.1;
players[i] thread braxi_mod::spawnplayer();
wait .05;
iprintln("All ^5Players^7 have been ^5respawned");
Spawn Command is pretty much the same. Obviously for one player that gets called out by player = getplayerbynamepart(arguments);
Would be amazing if there is a solution.
If needed message me on discord for more information.
Blade #6504
Any error from using script commands will only get outputted to invokers console. You can use cvar "logrcon 1" to output it to server log instead while testing.