problem starting bots with my mod
gasofa opened this issue · 19 comments
Hi guys.
I'm trying to add the cod4x bots to my mod
When I start my server it gives me this error
I don't know if it can be solved?
File Handles:
24644 files in iwd files
Adding fastfile 'mp_crossfire' to queue
Loading fastfile 'mp_crossfire'
used 42.96 MB memory in DB alloc
Waited 219 msec for asset 'maps/mp/mp_crossfire.d3dbsp' of type 'col_map_mp'.
------- Game Initialization -------
gamename: Call of Duty 4
gamedate: Feb 12 2009
fs_ignoreLocalized is cheat protected.
fs_ignoreLocalized is cheat protected.
Loaded fastfile 'mp_crossfire' in 326ms (1ms waiting)
Error: ******* script compile error *******
Error: unknown function: @ 50210
----- Server Shutdown -----
With the reason: Server fatal crashed: �script compile error
unknown function
(see console for details)
Sending master heartbeat from to
Sending master heartbeat from to resolved to
I keep seeing and starting the server in developer it gives me this
Waited 179 msec for asset 'maps/mp/mp_crossfire.d3dbsp' of type 'col_map_mp'.
------- Game Initialization -------
gamename: Call of Duty 4
gamedate: Feb 12 2009
Game: G_SetupWeaponDef
fs_ignoreLocalized is cheat protected.
fs_ignoreLocalized is cheat protected.
Loaded fastfile 'mp_crossfire' in 289ms (1ms waiting)
Error: ******* script compile error *******
Error: unknown function: (file 'maps/mp/bots/_bot_internal.gsc', line 424)
if ( maps\mp\gametypes_missions::getWeaponClass( weap ) != "weapon_sniper" )
----- Server Shutdown -----
With the reason: Server fatal crashed: script compile error
unknown function
if ( maps\mp\gametypes_missions::getWeaponClass( weap ) != "weapon_sniper" )
(see console for details)
Can somebody help me??
Hi friend.
Thanks for your answer.
I'm not exactly sure how to do it?
Remove mods that modify _missions
ok modify in my mod the file _missions.gsc
and add these lines
still if it works
now I this
Game: G_SetupWeaponDef
fs_ignoreLocalized is cheat protected.
fs_ignoreLocalized is cheat protected.
Loaded fastfile 'mp_crossfire' in 357ms (3ms waiting)
Error: ******* script compile error *******
Error: unknown function: (file 'maps/mp/bots/_bot_internal.gsc', line 424)
if ( maps\mp\gametypes_missions::getWeaponClass( weap ) != "weapon_sniper" )
----- Server Shutdown -----
With the reason: Server fatal crashed: script compile error
unknown function
if ( maps\mp\gametypes_missions::getWeaponClass( weap ) != "weapon_sniper" )
(see console for details)
ok modify in my mod the file _missions.gsc
and add these lines
init() { }
lastManSD() { }
still if it works
no you misunderstood what @ineedbots said. in your mod you need to replace your mods _missions.gsc with the _missions.gsc in raw\maps\mp\gametypes aka the original cod4 _missions.gsc
If the mod finally starts, you are the best !!!
The bots come out without a weapon, is that fixed?
thank you very much to all
hi all
it seems that the server is stable but the bots do not have weapons nor do they shoot
since whatever mod your using modified _missions.gsc its entirely possible it is modifying other vanilla GSC's aswell, BotWarfare is built to run with vanilla game files, beyond that you will have to modify the scripts to be able to run your mod.
most likely if the bot is spawning but with no weapon, the classes menu is modified somehow.
Is the pick a class menu different in your mod? what mod are you using here?
Hi, thanks for your response
The mod I use is the extreme in version 2.0
I don't know which files to modify, could you help me? I would greatly appreciate it
no one can help me??
After a few days I managed to solve it.
Thank you very much for your help
Hi, I have the same problem. Also that my bots have no weapons. Can you possibly tell me what exactly you did?
Use the latest commit of bot warfare, as well as the latest commit of cod4x server, you will need to compile it from source.
I tried already 😅 the compiling is not the problem. But now my server run for 10 minutes, then stops with "Server received signal: Segmentation fault"