
Varnish related issues

Closed this issue · 2 comments


It seems like the pip package is outdated, I had to fix the error in the template (extends "admin_tools/dashboard/module.html" instead of "dashboard/module.html"). Can you update it ?

Moreover, when I'm running varnish with malloc :
$ varnishd -f /usr/local/etc/varnish/default.vcl -s malloc,1G -T -a

I can't access the admin page because of issues in line 96. Stats contains no "bytes_allocated" key but "sms_bytes_allocated" and "sma_bytes_allocated" . Same with "bytes_free". I fixed the problem by adding "sma", but I'm loosing stats with these sms.

sma_ is regarding -s malloc memory
sms_ is regarding "other" (synthetic)
And I guess we can have sm_ regarding -s file memory.

Can you fix these errors as well ?

Thank you very much for your hard work, really appreciate your app !

Hmmm I installed the latest version of dashboardmods (0.2) and the error persist but is silent because you setted continue instead of "raise e" line 173 !!! It's ends up with the tab not displayed on the django admin dashboard.
I also had to copy the dashboardmods/templates/dashboard in my project. Maybe you could add a in the app, would be nice.

Fixed your issues and now raises exceptions if settings.DEBUG is True. It doesn't really need a as there are no views to reference, or am I missing a use case?