
Offset not correct in some Android devices

duongdinh98 opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Android (Galaxy Note 10+ is OK but Huawei P20 not correctly cropped)


Offset not correct in some Android devices

Reproducible Demo

 // Crop square image
  let cropOffset = {
    x: 0,
     y: (imgSize.height - imgSize.width) / 2,

  ImageEditor.cropImage(photo.path, {
    offset: cropOffset,
    size: {
      width: imgSize.width,
      height: imgSize.width,
    displaySize: {
      width: imgSize.width,
      height: imgSize.width,
    resizeMode: 'contain',
  }).then(croppedUrl => {
    photo.path = croppedUrl;
    if (cameraStore.mediaList.length < maxImage) {

@duongdinh98 Could you provide video/image demo of what you see on Huawei P20 (I don't have such device for testing)
also an original image, version of @react-native-community/image-editor

Hi @retyui

I'm using "@react-native-community/image-editor": "^4.2.0",
This is demo video:

In Galaxy Note 10+ and iPhone with this code above, it cropped square image perfectly like in camera preview screen, but on Huawei P20, it looks like crop without offset in the demo I shared

@duongdinh98 how do you create imgSize obj ?

Here is what I did

import { Image as RNImage } from 'react-native';

export const getImageSize = (
  uri: string,
): Promise<{ width: number; height: number }> => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      (imgWidth, imgHeight) => {
        resolve({ width: imgWidth, height: imgHeight });

// camera obj from react-native-vision-camera
const photo = await camera.current.takePhoto(takePhotoOptions);
photo.path = `file://${photo.path}`;
const imgSize = await getImageSize(photo.path);

can you try to swap w & h resolve({ width: imgHeight, height: imgWidth }) ?

Not work @retyui t

@duongdinh98 also, can you omit displaySize prop from the params and check again

 displaySize: {
      width: imgSize.width,
      height: imgSize.width,

@duongdinh98 also, can you omit displaySize prop from the params and check again

 displaySize: {
      width: imgSize.width,
      height: imgSize.width,

Not work, I tried this before

@duongdinh98 Could you please log the next variables (from Galaxy Note 10+ & Huawei P20 )

const photo = await camera.current.takePhoto(takePhotoOptions);
     // ^^^ - `photo` takePhoto result 
const imgSize = await getImageSize(photo.path);
      //. ^^^ `imgSize` - image size 

I found issue, my getImageSize() function not correctly work in some Android devices, so it will return incorrect image size => cause crop incorrectly


To resolve, I swith to get image size from photo object return by react-native-vision-camera

const photo = await camera.current.takePhoto(takePhotoOptions);