
Support base64 Image output not only uri

Rezaramdhanisti opened this issue · 4 comments

Feature Request

Support output base64. Currently, when cropping process is successful it return uri, some
people maybe need base64.

Why it is needed

My backend only support base64 for upload images.

Possible implementation

Implement on native modules and create bridging to javascript.

Code sample

ImageEditor.cropImage(image, cropData).then(data => {
console.log("Cropped image base64", data.base64);

You can always read out the file in base64 format using e.g. RNFS

react-native-fs works perfectly but it would have been awesome if I didn't have to install this package for just this feature.

retyui commented

you can also use react-native-blob-util file api

Fixed in 4.0.0