
Lack of `in-source: true` in bsconfig can cause asset resolution error

hew opened this issue · 5 comments

hew commented

In trying out this lib I found that, in order to get things working, I needed to add the following to my project's bsconfig.js:

  "package-specs": {
    "in-source": true

This configuration setting in my project seems to take precedence over what is in reroute-native. That is, without it, all the compiled .js files end up in lib/js/src, in reroute-native, where they are trying to reference asset files that don't exist in that location.

I find this a little confusing. I would expect libraries' bsconfig.js to take precedence here. Regardless, do we want to add some kind of note to this effect to the readme? I can open a PR, if so.

cc @bobzhang. I think this is quite interesting considering what you're focused on now.

@hew yes, please. I forgot to mention it in the README but I am aware that this is what is happening.

Let's see what @bobzhang comes back with 🙌

@hew any update on this?

hew commented

@knowbody pr is up with those changes #107

closed by #107