
Markers are jumping/shaking a lot

nuhil opened this issue · 3 comments

The marker or annotation that is generated on viewForCoordinate: jumps/shakes a lot even you hold on the device strictly.

Hi Nuhil.

Could you please send me a copy of your project so that I can test it locally? Views are not perfectly fixed but should very close to because the acceleromter noise should be reduced by the low-pass filter implemented in ARKitEngine.m@startListening method.

I'm thinking that maybe is a magnetometer noise issue, as no filtering is applied to its data, although I'm not sure it is required.

BTW, on which device and iOS version are you running your example?


Replied with detail to your personal email.

Hi Nuhil.

I fixed an issue that, as you stated, was making the views to 'blink' when exactly in the vertical middle of the screen. Test please if it works.
