
Protein viewer appears broken until loaded on firefox

Opened this issue · 3 comments

On firefox, protein viewer does not show empty window while pdb is still loading. The result is that the viewer button appears to be broken/unresponsive.

@coiko I tried to replicate the bug in firefox on Windows and Safari. I unfortunately was not able to replicate the bug on my first couple of attempts. I also went a couple versions back on firefox and the results still looked about the same as the gif as I attached below. Did I perform the steps correctly as Grant did to experience the bug, or is there something I missed? As you can see in the gif, the window is opened before the pdb is loaded.



coiko commented

@KianBadie Oh how weird! That's exactly what he did (on a Mac desktop), so maybe it's specific to his version or something. The next time I chat with him I'll ask him to try it again and get some more info. In the meantime, let's call it fixed!

(As an aside, it's funny that some things don't show up in the gif, like the full movie thumbnail, or the protein viewer icon.)

@coiko Possibly! I tried it on Mac and went a couple of versions back and it looked similar to this. So maybe his version is farther back, or there is another circumstance that is needed to replicate the bug. Putting it aside for now sounds good to me!

It is funny! I didn't realize how weird it looked. I was used to clicking the invisible protein viewer button since I knew it was just loading.