Refactor moisture as a WeatherClient so I can de-couple it from a Garden and not require a Garden struct for moisture details
calvinmclean opened this issue · 1 comments
calvinmclean commented
// TODO: Can I re-enable this if moisture comes from WeatherClient instead of garden? Follow up issue #95
if ws.HasSoilMoistureControl() {
logger.Debug("getting moisture data for WaterSchedule")
soilMoisture, err := wsr.getMoisture(ctx, garden, ws)
if err != nil {
logger.WithError(err).Warn("unable to get moisture data for WaterSchedule")
} else {
logger.Debugf("successfully got moisture data for WaterSchedule: %f", soilMoisture)
response.WeatherData.SoilMoisturePercent = &soilMoisture
around line 60 in water_schedule_responses.go
This might be a little tricky because the weather client in this case needs access to InfluxDB client
calvinmclean commented
The main motivation here was to remove the requirement of knowing the Garden when executing a water action.
This change would require storing a GardenID as part of a WeatherClientConfig, which would then couple the Config and the WaterSchedule that uses it to a specific Garden, so the compromise of knowing a Garden at execution time is fine because it is already built-in to the design.