Calypso is a mostly imperative language with some functional influences that is focused on flexibility and simplicity.
- JackojcIreland
- crabbo-raveIn a chair
- not-lum
- r0nsha
- cmontella
- megabytesofremEarth
- Fuwn
- ajstrand
- AT-Geist
- marcospb19Brazil
- vrmiguelFederal University of São Paulo, INPE
- isgasho
- evaporeiSão Paulo - Brazil
- nikitavoloboevMadrid
- amlcodesNYC
- gavr123456789
- prescientmoonRomania
- raphaelcorreaoctBrazil
- dalakatt
- alex-x-x-x-xSan Francisco, CA
- MarcosAndradeVVitoria da Conquista
- astrolemonade
- qexat
- ctrlv0
- srgx
- commonkestrel
- shaeqahmed
- terahlunah
- samutichWorldwide
- effinsky