
Awesome vert.x powered url shortner

Primary LanguageJava

Vert.x url shortner

Live running at http://x26.eu

Backed up by redis if provided in the json.config else default to sharedMap ( no persistence ).


Edit or provide config.json file.

    "host" : "localhost",                   // interface to listen to
    "port" : 2688,                          // port to listen to
    "domain" : "http://localhost:2688",     // base domain
    "startLen" : 2,                         // base length for string generation
    "tries" : 900,                          // minimum successive fail tries before increasing length
    "redis" : "localhost"                   // redis server address ( optional )
    "hashkey" : "shorticle.url_store",      // redis / vert.x hash key ( optional )


Building a fatJar including all dependencies.

mvn clean package
mvn vertx:fatJar
java -jar target/shorticle-1.0-fat.jar -conf config.json

Running right from maven cli

mvn clean package
mvn vertx:runMod


Status 200 is OK

curl -X POST -d 'url=http://foo.bar'