
Primary LanguageProcessing

 _____             ___               _    _                   
|_   _|          .' ..]             / |_ (_)                  
  | |   _ .--.  _| |_  .---.  .---.`| |-'__   .--.   _ .--.   
  | |  [ `.-. |'-| |-'/ /__\\/ /'`\]| | [  |/ .'`\ \[ `.-. |  
 _| |_  | | | |  | |  | \__.,| \__. | |, | || \__. | | | | |  
|_____|[___||__][___]  '.__.''.___.'\__/[___]'.__.' [___||__] 

Link to live project

Most instructions are on-screen.


  • Left-click anywhere to start a new infection
  • Right-click to cycle through infection limitations
  • "l" (that's a lowercase L) to toggle visual connections between students and teachers
  • "r" to regenerate a new "world" (also resets any settings)
  • "R" (or Shift+r) to regenerate a new "world" but with random settings (like max class size, etc)

###Default Settings

  • Minimum class size is 1
  • Maximum class size is 30
  • The percentage of students who also teach is 5%
  • The total number of people in the world is 10,000 (give or take a few hundred)