wrap react
cameronjacobson opened this issue · 0 comments
this may be a separate project in itself, but the idea is to allow react to behave as the engine for alot of asynchronous calls, yet allowing the internals to behave coherently.
For example, user sends asynchronous call to send message to another user. In content of request is UUID of the other user. Through discovery (ie. consul.io) the system can figure out that the other user is connected via a SSE server (ie. server sent events). The wrapper figures out how to get that request to the other user.
Another simple example: Suppose user wants to broadcast to a group. The wrapper will (based on criteria of the request) understand how to route the request (asynchronously) in order to get the info to the other users.
Finally, imagine a server that treats request/response fully asynchronously. User requests HTML, the response returns immediately, but within content of the request it gives server information about how to find him and route (PUSH) the response back when it's available.