
Open telescope picker full screen from tmux

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When using the tmux popup integration it would be great if we could hide all of the other nvim chrome and make the tmux popup look like it's just the telescope picker.

Is it possible to pass options to resize telescope (and maybe disable winbar, status line?) in the tmux display-popup call?

I handled this using the following in my tmux.conf

bind-key -n M-s if-shell "$is_vim" 'send-keys M-s' {
    display-popup -E -w '80%' -h '80%' \
    nvim -c ':lua \
        vim.o.showtabline=0 \
        vim.o.winbar="" \
        vim.o.laststatus=0 \
        require("telescope").extensions.tmux.sessions({ \
            quit_on_select=true, \
            initial_mode="normal", \
            layout_config={ width=1000000, height=100000 }, \

bind-key -n M-w if-shell "$is_vim" 'send-keys M-w' {
    display-popup -E -w '80%' -h '80%' \
    nvim -c ':lua \
        vim.o.showtabline=0 \
        vim.o.winbar="" \
        vim.o.laststatus=0 \
        require("telescope"){ \
            quit_on_select=true, \
            initial_mode="normal", \
            layout_config={ width=1000000, height=100000 }, \