
An example Chainlink node deployment with docker-compose

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Chainlink node docker-compose deployment

This repository is for deploying a test Chainlink node to the Ethereum Rinkby test network. This docker-compose configuration attempts to follow the offical Chainlink Docs on running a node. This is meant to be a test deployment and is not meant to be ran in production.

This configuration relies on the use of an external ethereum client for desired network. You can sign up for Infura in order to use their ehtereum client services for this deployment.

Getting Started


  • A system with at least 2 gigabytes of ram
  • An ethereum client as provided by Infura
  1. Rename the .api.example file to .api and add your desired UI login to the first line. This should be a valid email address. One the 2nd line add your desired password for the UI

  2. Rename the .password.example file to .password and add your secure wallet password

  3. Move .api and .password to chainlink_data folder

  4. Edit the chainlink.env file, update the ETH_URL to point to your ethereum client. If you'd like to use a different ethereum network other than Rinkby, you will need to update the LINK_CONTRACT_ADDRESS to reflect the correct network, for more documentation on the available contract addresses please see Chanlink docs here For more documentation on what other configuration variables can be set in this file see additional docs here

  5. Start the docker-compose after building:

docker-compose build && docker-compose up