Backend de Portafolio

Este proyecto contiene el backend de mi portafolio profesional, implementado utilizando Go.

Tecnologías Utilizadas

  • Lenguaje: Go.
  • Frameworks y ORM: Gorilla/mux, Gorm ORM, Air.
  • Base de Datos: PostgreSQL.
  • Cloud: GCP App Engine, Compute Engine, Secrets Manager, Pub/Sub.

Cómo Ejecutar Localmente



  1. Clona el Repositorio

    git clone
  2. Ejecuta la Aplicación

    go run .

Modelo de Datos

  1. Project
Column Type Description
id SERIAL Unique identifier for the project
url TEXT URL related to the project
image TEXT Reference to the project image
is_professional TEXT Reference to the project image
  1. ProjectTranslations
Column Type Description
id SERIAL Unique identifier for the translation
project_id INT Foreign key to Projects table
language TEXT Language code (e.g., 'en', 'es')
title TEXT Translated title of the project
description TEXT Translated description of the project
  1. Categories
Column Type Description
id SERIAL Unique identifier for the category
name TEXT Name of the category
  1. ProjectCategories
Column Type Description
project_id INT Foreign key to Projects table
category_id INT Foreign key to Categories table

Example Data

  1. Project
id url image is_professional
1 image1 false
2 image2 true
  1. ProjectTranslations
id project_id language title description
1 1 en Example This is an example project.
2 1 es Ejemplo Este es un proyecto ejemplo.
  1. Categories
id name
1 Web
2 Design
  1. ProjectCategories
project_id category_id
1 1
1 2
2 1

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