
Ludlam Dare game jam

AnnaGerber opened this issue ยท 3 comments

From Nathan on the wealljs slack:

"The next Ludum Dare is on during CampJS so I thought it might be interesting to suggest it as a side activity"

"Ludum Dare is one of the world's largest and longest running Game Jam events. Every 4 months, we challenge creators to make a game from scratch in a weekend."

It starts at 8am on the Saturday morning

Ideas to support this:

  • Provide some getting started with JS game dev resources - useful libraries, public domain or CC art or sound assets etc. Provide links in the comments on this issue and we can collate them into a page on the campjs intranet and make sure we have local copies
  • Include shout out in the opening session on the Friday night so people are aware of the game jam and the rules
  • Schedule game-related talks/content early in the program so people can apply it in the game game (maybe even on Friday night?)

I'm happy to put together a list of resources, etc.

I'll flesh out the some details about each thing but the list so far is:


  • Phaser


  • Aseprite
  • LibreSprite (free but old version of Aseprite)
  • Piskel

Level building

  • Tiled
  • OGMO


  • BFXR
  • GarageBand (plus Magical 8Bit Plugin?)


  • Electron
  • npm-icns (deprecated but still useful)

Woot woot!