
[14.0] attachment_s3: Attachment migration not happening

gustavovalverde opened this issue · 1 comments

After configuring ir_attachment.location to s3, setting the environment variables and installing the attachment_s3 module, I created a server action with env['ir.attachment'].force_storage() which shows "migrating files to the object storage" but nothings happens.

I can also confirm that uploading new PDFs does not use the S3. How can I confirm if I'm missing something?

@gustavovalverde is the module loaded with --load ?

Is ir_attachment.location set to s3 ?

Otherwise, did you set anything in ir.config.parameter?

By default it will always store few things into the database: {"image/": 51200, "application/javascript": 0, "text/css": 0}

In your case it could be that pdf was added to the list.