
[RFC] attachment_s3: improvement to use one bucket for one customer (also multi-tenancy use?)

jjscarafia opened this issue · 1 comments

We would like to make some improvements to the module. Any though?


For one customer (project) use only one bucket for all his databases (production, training, etc)

The main advantage I see for this approach from this recently added functionality is that we can easily (and safely) rename or changed who owns an object without needing to rename the ir.attachment.filename .

How it would work:

The idea is to use one bucket for same customer/project. Then, when deleting s3 attachments, we only wants to delete them if the attachments is owned by this database.

Modifications needed:

  • when s3 objects are created we add a label 'database_name = creator_db_name'
  • when calling ir.attachment.unlink, if s3 file and s3 bucket = actual bucket (actual checks) and database name != s3 object.label.database_name, skip unlink
  • if renaming a database we should check all s3 objects and rename the label database_name for new database name

Extra functionality:

When deleting a database thought odoo drop functionality, the s3 objects are not deleted. We could also implement to delete them on s3 checking for objects where "object.label.database_name = database_name" (this could be also done outside the module, the good thing is that we know for each object witch database is the owner with the label)

Use cases

Use case 1: duplicate production database for training

  • Production database is duplicated for training (or a training database is created by restoring a pg backup)
  • new files are created on new training database
  • user deletes attachments on training database
  • only attachments created on training database are deleted (if some of the where created by production database they will remain there)

Use case 2: rename a database, for eg, and upgraded database to new odoo version become production one)

  • on the upgraded databases new files are created
  • the upgraded database become the production db
  • if we call the rename of the database, all objects labels are renamed so that the belongs to new database

@jjscarafia I am not a big fan of having a database accessing the filestore of another. I would like to keep it clean and separated, like Odoo does by default on the filesystem. It is also what Odoo admin users expect: same behaviour as what they are used to.