
Add cursor next to selected item

beauwilliams opened this issue · 7 comments

I currently have an issue where I can not see the selected item in the list, but seeing as nobody has mentioned it yet, might be just my setup.. however, this lead me to an enhancement suggestion, a cursor icon next to current selection

such as telescope

If there was a cursor, this would be enough to solve my issue for now without having to rip apart my configs trying to figure out what the issue is

FYI I found the issue with the selected item highlight not showing. All good now. Was my plugin I am writing causing the issue.

Please post the solution. I am not seeing the cursor either.

Please post the solution. I am not seeing the cursor either.

Yep so the issue I was having earlier was the gif below, the selected item highlights are not working. I removed my own plugin focus.nvim and it fixed the problem

I believe it was likely related to auto window sizing on my end. It has a bug anyways I need to fix..


@camspiers do snap buffers have a filetype set? I would like to disable my plugin running on snap buffers

They don't have a file type set, but if that would help I could set one (except for previews). The results and the input buffers are both of buftype prompt.

With respect to a cursor, I think it's probably a good idea, I'll put it on my todo list.

They don't have a file type set, but if that would help I could set one (except for previews). The results and the input buffers are both of buftype prompt.

Actually I don't think its going to be necessary (at least myself for now)

I found the source of the issue being related to setting the below autocmds.

    { 'WinEnter', '*', 'setlocal cursorline' })
    { 'WinLeave', '*', 'setlocal nocursorline' })

Here is how I fixed the problem in my plugin. I suppose I should have been using BufEnter anyways

    { 'BufEnter', '*', 'setlocal cursorline' })
    { 'BufLeave', '*', 'setlocal nocursorline' })