
Configure custom type for worker

urbanisierung opened this issue · 5 comments

Currently the type for which the worker is registered is not configurable and set to http. In some use cases it would be useful to set a custom type.

The worker name is already configurable via the environment variable ZEEBE_WORKER_NAME. The same approach would fit to set the worker type with a new env var ZEEBE_WORKER_TYPE.

Make sense for me. I can most probably look at it next week

I introduce this new property:

zeebe.worker.defaultType or via respective environment variable ZEEBE_WORKER_DEFAULTTYPE

Please note that I adjusted the worker name accordingly - so it did change to ZEEBE_WORKER_DEFAULTNAME

This change will leverage a new Spring Zeebe version that is based on Zeebe 0.22.0

jwulf commented

Can we make this an array, so that all code / tutorial examples that make use of CAMUNDA_HTTP still work? We are generating tutorials and examples now using this, and it would be best if they didn't rot. Also, users are deploying workflows using this task type.

It does make more sense on Camunda Cloud to use ZEEBE-HTTP as the task type, as explaining it in docs at the moment is:


  • Configure the service task Type to be CAMUNDA-HTTP. This will be serviced by the Zeebe HTTP Worker in Camunda Cloud.

And would be better as:


  • Configure the service task Type to be ZEEBE-HTTP. This will be serviced by the Zeebe HTTP Worker in Camunda Cloud.
jwulf commented

This env var ZEEBE_WORKER_DEFAULTTYPE may be misnamed: it looks like it is not the "default" type, but the actual task type - in which case a more accurate name would be ZEEBE_WORKER_TASKTYPE.

See here:

I would say best create new issues to address the different issues with the worker.