
Add Job Update Timeout command to the JS Client

aim-dot-antares opened this issue · 6 comments

Please add Job Update Timeout command to the JS Client (@camunda8/sdk)

Hi, as this is a feature request for the node JS client, I will transfer it to the repository. In the future, please open issues there:

Thanks for the link, @jwulf !
But I can't find the function in ZeebeGrpcClient.

const zeebe = c8.getZeebeGrpcApiClient();

it's ok?

@aim-dot-antares that was a note for me to help with the implementation.

Are you using the JS SDK at the moment and need this feature?


I wanted to receive user tasks through a worker and set different blocking times for them. And I didn’t find a solution until I read about adding a function in the Zeebe API.

But at the moment I am considering the option of reading data about user tasks from the elastic index. In this case (as far as I understand) the TIMEOUT events do not occur. So adding a function is no longer relevant for me.

However, I thought it would be a good idea to report her absence.