
Webpack 4 importing of json

snoop244 opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm truly out of my depth here, but I could not pull camunda moddle into my code directly because Webpack 4 seems to wrap such objects in an additional layer.

See the details of my issue here (with my hack fix):

nikku commented

Quoting from the blog post you linked:

import * as camundaModdleDescriptor from 'camunda-bpmn-moddle/resources/camunda'
import * as korioBPMNModdleDescriptor from './KorioBPMNModdleDescriptor.json'

import * as ... is almost always the wrong way to consume files. It breaks all good things that come with ES 6, such as tree shaking, too.

Does the following work / yield a different result?

import camundaModdleDescriptor from 'camunda-bpmn-moddle/resources/camunda';

Thank you nikku - yes, that did work.