Parsing of infraspecific rank signifier works for "var." but not "ssp."
joelnitta opened this issue · 1 comments
joelnitta commented
Is there a list of accepted abbreviated infraspecific rank signifiers? Apparently my data include some that don't work.
8420R|Lycopodium clavatum var. aristatum (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Spring
correctly parses to
8420R||Lycopodium||clavatum|var.|aristatum|(Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Spring
8418R|Lycopodium clavatum ssp. clavatum L.
incorrectly parses to
8418R||Lycopodium||clavatum||ssp|. clavatum L.
Other abbreviated infraspecific rank signifiers that are not "var." or "subsp." also fail (e.g., "subf.").
camwebb commented
now converted tosubsp.
added to Regexp- List of infraspecific rank signifiers: subsp., var., f., forma, fo., subf., taxon., prol., nothovar., lus.