
Contributors wanted

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Please join if you wish to contribute, comment or just monitor.

I would love to contribute/comment/monitor! Very excited to try working in this new space (new to me!).

Welcome aboard!

I’m going to fork and submit pull requests for a few things on the ghpages branch.

Ok - so just submitted content to the master branch. This is some awesome and exciting work.

I also noticed that your file could have some instructions for collaborators around the help you're looking for. I always borrow the content from WET-BOEW and adjust for my own repos.

I also encourage at least a file to be translated so that collaborators can either ask for more information or figure out where/how to ask for more information.

Also in your documentation you refer to 'we' often. There's guidance in the style guide about writing to your audience... because for me the we is unclear - DIACC or GC? or just a smaller subsection of either of these groups.
