
Publicize memberships in canada-ca GitHub org

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I noticed that all the folks who participate in this GitHub org are not publicizing their membership on the member page:

Related, I've been struck by how active non-male voices are in this particular issue queue, which is refreshing and inspiring given the normal culture of GitHub.

I realize that the choice not to publicize might be intentional, but I wanted to surface it for discussion. Would it be possible/desirable to encourage folks to publicize their membership in the GitHub org?

cc: @MaryBethBaker @laurawesley

Alternatively, this might also be a helpful way to communicate who is participating in a repository and associated conversations :)

EDIT: I've realized that there are probably private repositories in the canada-ca org, and so perhaps people can't be liberally added a full members -- even just "read-only" might be too much, re: permissions.

No private repos - only open for us!

//cc @laurawesley

mmm you are right @patcon - all the members are set to private. I think this is a default thing; not an intentional thing. Am clicking around...

I was able to change my own from private to public, but I don't see anything in the org settings to change everyone's or the default.

totally -- yeah, wasn't implying anything about all your openness! (Because you are all wonderful at this.)

Usually in open source project onboarding, we add an extra little step to walk people through publicizing, so it's a "known problem" that often needs some attention ;)

Anyhow, just wanted to raise it, but perhaps no action item here, and I can close.

Know if there's a GitHub for civil servants or any such resource that we could add this to? Any go-to resources that you all use to lure people into this github org? ;)

It is listed on, but Canada doesn't have an equivalent to AFAIK

@patcon You're right, and I should be more active. Here's me calling me out on that.

I'm on the public list.

I'm going to contact members and see if they want to publish their affiliation. If that's cool with them they can go ahead. Is this enough for me to close this issue? @patcon @laurawesley @nschonni @chrismajewski

But maybe also we could create an "onboarding" that has this consideration as a step for when new members are added? This doc could also be a place to baseline aspiring culture of this github org -- not sure if there are other things you wished to point out to new members :)

I could see that being a good action item to not only address this now, but going forward. That would seem to be a good way to close out as addressed ๐ŸŽ‰

Sounds good! Submitted a PR so I don't lose track of this, and new people have a link to be sent for guidance :)