
Problems with class reloading if factory_girl is being used

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi there,

we had a problem with several models that weren't reloaded properly.
I just traced it down and it's the funny combination snailgun & factory_girl:

If you use factory_girl and load in in test_helper, all models are being loaded by snailgun because it manually requires test_helper.
If you disable loading test helper everything works fine.



If you can make a patch which fixes this, I'll commit it. I'm afraid I don't know what it would be about factory_girl which would cause test_helper to preload all models.

Is this a rails app? You do have config.cache_classes = false in config/environments/test.rb ?

Any feedback on this?

I'm experiencing similar issue without using factory girl.

(Some) Models seem to not get reloaded while other Classes like Tests or Helpers.