Can policies set be deleted?
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After reading the paper "Multi-data-types Interval Decision Diagrams
for XACML Evaluation Engine", it is unclear to me how policies are to be removed. As far as I can tell, the modifications to the graph while adding new policies seems to be a one-way operation. Am I correct? If so, what kind of solution did you have in mind in case policies were to be removed. In access control, removing and updating policies is a must have.
Hi @schnef,
Creating the graph from set of policies is similar to compiling source code to binary. Whenever you update your policy repository, you need to rebuild the graph again.
That would in practice render using such a graph not very useful. Most systems probably face changes to the authorizations on a regular basis.
IMO it depends on specific use-cases. I assume in practical, users don't update policies every second. as long as they're updated, a new graph is generated and cached for but policy evaluation. In this case throughput of authorization evaluation is optimized.
If your use-case needs many policy updates but does not require optimizing policy evaluation, this engine is not suitable.