
Error in plotPDM function

hitrp opened this issue · 0 comments

hitrp commented

Dear Prof.Wager,

Thanks for the convenient MediationToolbox you provided us.

I only have one trial(resting state fMRI) per subject, as mentioned in " High-dimensional multivariate mediation with application to neuroimaging data" and "multiple brain networks mediating stimulus-pain relationships", I think PDM_toolbox rather than mediation_toolbox should be the right one to use, right?

Besides, when i use the example data in '' and use resampled MNI152_T1_2009c as brainmask, there is one error in matlab, after dubugging, i found it comes from the comparison of full volume and non-zero volume dimension in reparse_contiguous(), could you give me some ideas of how to fix this?

The function used are:
pdm =multivariateMediation(xxx',yyy',mm','B',20,'svd','nPDM',3,'bootPDM',1:3,'jointPDM',false,'Bsamp',100,'save2file','PDMresults.mat');
[obj,figh] = plotPDM(pdm,dat);

Much appreciated!

Best wishes,
