
supercollider not booting

Closed this issue · 20 comments

Hi again.
So, I'm on Linux.
I'm getting errors when

I do this:

Boot SuperCollider by pressing the square button

I'm attaching here the log file and a screenshot with the dev tool open

Hi, could you take a look at the terminal window (where you ran npm scripts) and see if SuperCollider fails to boot?

Also, It's not necessary to write channel name in the pattern as the system takes care of that itself. should've mentioned that in the docs

e.g slow 8 $ n (run 16) instead of d1 $ slow 8 $ n (run 16) so basically getting rid of channel name and $ right after it

I think SuperCollider fail to boot. The text in the terminal window is really long.
I'm pasting it here:

gilfuser@gilfuser-ThinkPad-E470:~/Siren$ npm run siren

> Siren@0.1.1 siren /home/gilfuser/Siren
> node server/start.js

UDP server listening on
Server started at http://localhost:3001
debug  : {
             "debug": true,
             "echo": true,
             "stdin": true,
             "langPort": 57120,
             "serverPort": 57110,
             "host": "",
             "protocol": "udp",
             "websocketPort": 4040,
             "sclang": "/usr/local/bin/sclang",
             "scsynth": "/usr/local/bin/scsynth",
             "sclang_conf": "/home/gilfuser/.config/SuperCollider/sclang_conf.yaml",
             "userpath": "/home/gilfuser/",
             "ghcipath": "/usr/bin/ghci",
             "port": 3001,
             "samples_path": "/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Dirt-Samples/*",
             "path": "/home/gilfuser/Siren/config/config.json",
             "tidal_boot": "/home/gilfuser/Siren/config/tidal-boot-default.hs",
             "scd_start": "/home/gilfuser/Siren/config/scd-start-default.scd",
             "configPath": "/home/gilfuser/Siren/config/config.json"
<Buffer 47 48 43 69 2c 20 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 20 37 2e 31 30 2e 33 3a 20 68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 77 77 77 2e 68 61 73 6b 65 6c 6c 2e 6f 72 67 2f 67 68 63 2f 20 ... >
<Buffer 50 72 65 6c 75 64 65 3e 20>

 location info>:

Could not find module ‘Sound.Tidal.Context.Time’
    Perhaps you meant
      Sound.Tidal.Context (from 

<no location info>:

Could not find module ‘Sound.Tidal.MIDI.Context’
    Perhaps you meant
(from tidal-0.9@tidal_BhKKsl

debug  : init_OSC
debug  : compiling class library...

 Not in scope: ‘mi


    Not in scope:
    Perhaps you meant ‘dirtStream’ (imported from Sound.Tidal.Co

 Not in scope: ‘

 Not in scope: 

<interactive>:52:11: parse error on input ‘=’

11: parse error on input ‘=’

 parse error on input ‘=’

18: parse error on input ‘=’

23: parse error on input ‘=’

ve>:57:22: parse error on input 

<interactive>:58:26: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:59:18: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:60:24: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:61:35: parse error on input ‘=’

:78: parse error on input ‘,’

<interactive>:63:84: parse error on input ‘]’

<interactive>:64:15: parse error on input ‘where’

 parse error on input ‘=’

 parse error on input ‘=’

0: parse error on input ‘=’

17: parse error on input ‘=’

:10: parse error on input ‘=’

0:9: parse error on input ‘=’

eractive>:71:21: parse error on input ‘=’

>:72:18: parse error on input 

>:73:14: parse error on input ‘

:74:13: parse error on input ‘

75:17: parse error on input ‘=’

e>:76:20: parse error on input 

>:77:13: parse error on input ‘=’

: parse error on input ‘=’

e>:79:20: parse error on input 

<interactive>:80:7: parse error on input ‘where’

<interactive>:81:16: parse error on input ‘=’

:82:17: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:83:17: parse error on input ‘=’

14: parse error on input ‘=’

interactive>:85:17: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:86:20: parse error on input ‘=’

87:27: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:88:15: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:89:15: parse error on input ‘=’

90:20: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:91:22: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:92:16: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:93:7: parse error on input ‘where’

<interactive>:94:17: parse error on input ‘=’

>:95:7: parse error on input ‘where’

<interactive>:96:16: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:97:16: parse error on input 

<interactive>:98:13: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:99:11: parse error on input ‘=’

interactive>:100:11: parse error on input ‘=’

:101:17: parse error on input ‘=

2: parse error on input ‘=’

 parse error on input ‘=’

10: parse error on input

: parse error on input ‘=

: parse error on input ‘=

: parse error on input ‘

2: parse error on input ‘

3: parse error on input 

4: parse error on input 

 parse error on input ‘=’

10: parse error on input 

10: parse error on input ‘=

0: parse error on input 

: parse error on input ‘=

 parse error on input ‘=

:10: parse error on input

: parse error on input ‘=

122:10: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:123:13: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:124:10: parse error on input ‘=’

 parse error on input ‘=’

parse error on input ‘=’

13: parse error on input ‘

:10: parse error on input

parse error on input ‘=’

 parse error on input ‘=’

13: parse error on input ‘

:10: parse error on input ‘=’

133:11: parse error on input ‘=’

134:10: parse error on input ‘=’

:135:11: parse error on input ‘

parse error on input ‘=’

parse error on input ‘=’

parse error on input ‘=’

: parse error on input ‘

2: parse error on input 

 parse error on input ‘=’

:11: parse error on input 

ve>:143:10: parse error on input 

44:11: parse error on input ‘=’

45:16: parse error on input ‘=’

6:20: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:147:20: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:148:26: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:149:26: parse error on input ‘=’

24: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:151:22: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:152:22: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:153:22: parse error on input ‘=’

 parse error on input ‘=’

tive>:155:18: parse error on input

>:156:18: parse error on input ‘

<interactive>:157:21: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:158:24: parse error on input ‘=’

>:159:20: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:160:24: parse error on input ‘=’

ractive>:161:22: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:162:30: parse error on input ‘=’

: parse error on input ‘=’

 parse error on input ‘=’

parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:166:24: parse error on input 

ctive>:167:26: parse error on input ‘=’

parse error on input ‘=’

parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:170:20: parse error on input ‘=

parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:172:28: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:173:34: parse error on input ‘=’

 parse error on input ‘=’

75:30: parse error on input ‘=’

6:22: parse error on input ‘=’

177:11: parse error on input ‘=’

<Buffer 74 69>
<Buffer 64 61 6c 3e 20 74 69 64 61 6c 3e 20>
debug  : initPassOne started
           	NumPrimitives = 712
           initPassOne done
           	compiling dir: '/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary'
           	compiling dir: '/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/BBCut'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Conductor'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/adclib'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Wavesets'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/KeyPlayer'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/JITLibExtensions'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/KtlLoop'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Vowel'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Dirt-Samples'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/SuperDirt'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/ListeningClocks'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Republic'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Modality-toolkit'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Influx'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/CuePlayer'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/FileLog'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/PitchCircle'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/ModalityWorkshop'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/MathLib'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/VectorSpace'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/APCmini'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Bjorklund'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Utopia'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/AllGui'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/TuningLib'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Feedback'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/supercolliderjs/lib/supercollider-js'
           	pass 1 done
debug  : ERROR: Class extension for nonexistent class 'Document'
                In file:'/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/adclib/Classes/'
           	numentries = 1768648 / 36762460 = 0.048
           	8695 method selectors, 4228 classes
           	method table size 31576288 bytes, big table size 294099680
           	Number of Symbols 21533
           	Byte Code Size 769793
           	compiled 866 files in 0.47 seconds
           Info: 39 methods are currently overwritten by extensions. To see which, execute:
           compile done
debug  : Class tree inited in 0.01 seconds
debug  : hi
debug  : hi
debug  : hi
debug  : 
debug  : SUPERCOLLIDERJS:0:CHUNK:{"selector": "tabletSlider2D","what": "DoesNotUnderstandError","args": [],"receiver": {"asString": "QtGUI","class": "Meta_QtGUI"},"class": "DoesNotUnderstandError","errorString": "ERROR: Message 'tabletSlider2D' not understood.","backtrace": [{"caller": "0x561cc56cd9c0","charPos": 4283,"file": "/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/supercolliderjs/lib/supercollider-js/","class": "Meta_SuperColliderJS","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "SuperColliderJS","class": "Meta_SuperColliderJS"}},{"name": "err","value": {"asString": "a DoesNotUnderstandError","class": "DoesNotUnderstandError","vars": [{"name": "what","value": {"asString": "'DoesNotUnderstandError'","class": "Symbol"}},{"name": "protectedBacktrace","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "path","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "receiver","value": {"asString": "QtGUI","class": "Meta_QtGUI"}},{"name": "selector","value": {"asString": "'tabletSlider2D'","class": "Symbol"}},{"name": "args","value": {"asString": "[  ]","class": "Array"}}]}},{"name": "compiledFunc","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}}],"vars": [{"name": "out","value": {"asString": "[  ]","class": "Array","vars": []}},{"name": "currentFrame","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}},{"name": "def","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}},{"name": "ownerClass","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}},{"name": "methodName","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}},{"name": "callerAddress","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}},{"name": "startAtDef","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}},{"name": "stopAtDef","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}},{"name": "addingFrame","value": {"asString": "false","class": "False","vars": []}}],"type": "Method","method": "getBacktrace","address": "0x561cc56cfdc0"},{"caller": "0x561cc6f4d540","charPos": 2644,"file": "/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/supercolliderjs/lib/supercollid
debug  : SUPERCOLLIDERJS:0:CHUNK:er-js/","class": "Meta_SuperColliderJS","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "SuperColliderJS","class": "Meta_SuperColliderJS"}},{"name": "err","value": {"asString": "a DoesNotUnderstandError","class": "DoesNotUnderstandError","vars": [{"name": "what","value": {"asString": "'DoesNotUnderstandError'","class": "Symbol"}},{"name": "protectedBacktrace","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "path","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "receiver","value": {"asString": "QtGUI","class": "Meta_QtGUI"}},{"name": "selector","value": {"asString": "'tabletSlider2D'","class": "Symbol"}},{"name": "args","value": {"asString": "[  ]","class": "Array"}}]}},{"name": "getBacktrace","value": {"asString": "true","class": "True","vars": []}},{"name": "compiledFunc","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}}],"vars": [{"name": "data","value": {"asString": "( 'selector': tabletSlider2D, 'what': DoesNotUnderstandError, 'args': [  ], 'receiver': ( 'asString': QtGUI, 'class': class Meta_QtGUI ),   'class': class DoesNotUnderstandError, 'errorString': ERROR: Message 'tabletSlider2D' not understood. )","class": "Event","vars": [{"name": "array","value": {"asString": "[ nil, nil, nil, nil, selector, tabletSlider2D, what, DoesNotUnderstandError, args, [  ], receiver, ( 'asString': QtGUI, 'class': class Meta_QtGUI ), class, class DoesNotUnderstandError, errorString, ERROR: Message 'tabletSlider2D' not understood., nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil ]","class": "Array"}},{"name": "size","value": {"asString": "6","class": "Integer"}},{"name": "proto","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "parent","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "know","value": {"asString": "true","class": "True"}}]}}],"type": "Method","method": "encodeError","address": "0x561cc56cd9c0"},{"caller": "0x561cc5755d00","address": "0x561cc6f4d540","context": "SuperColliderJS","vars": [{"name": "error","value": {"asString": "nil","clas
           SUPERCOLLIDERJS:0:CHUNK:s": "Nil","vars": []}}],"type": "Function"},{"caller": "0x561cc57557c0","charPos": 4541,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Core/","class": "Function","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "a Function","class": "Function","vars": [{"name": "def","value": {"asString": "< FunctionDef in Method Exception:reportError >","class": "FunctionDef"}},{"name": "context","value": {"asString": "Frame (0x561cc70da378) of Exception:reportError","class": "Frame"}}]}}],"vars": [{"name": "result","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}},{"name": "thread","value": {"asString": "a Thread","class": "Thread","vars": [{"name": "state","value": {"asString": "0","class": "Integer"}},{"name": "func","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "stack","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "method","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "block","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "frame","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "ip","value": {"asString": "(nil)","class": "RawPointer"}},{"name": "sp","value": {"asString": "(nil)","class": "RawPointer"}},{"name": "numpop","value": {"asString": "0","class": "Integer"}},{"name": "receiver","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "numArgsPushed","value": {"asString": "0","class": "Integer"}},{"name": "parent","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "terminalValue","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "primitiveError","value": {"asString": "5000","class": "Integer"}},{"name": "primitiveIndex","value": {"asString": "141","class": "Integer"}},{"name": "randData","value": {"asString": "Int32Array[ -2029395829, -789466900, -1072674788, 0 ]","class": "Int32Array"}},{"name": "beats","value": {"asString": "0.472672388","class": "Float"}},{"name": "seconds","value": {"asString": "0.472672388","class": "Float"}},{"name": "clock","value": {"asString": "SystemClock","class": "Meta_SystemClock"}},{"name": "nextBeat","value": {"asStri
           SUPERCOLLIDERJS:0:CHUNK:ng": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "endBeat","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "endValue","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "environment","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "exceptionHandler","value": {"asString": "a Function","class": "Function"}},{"name": "threadPlayer","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "executingPath","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "oldExecutingPath","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}}]}},{"name": "next","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}},{"name": "wasInProtectedFunc","value": {"asString": "false","class": "False","vars": []}}],"type": "Method","method": "prTry","address": "0x561cc5755d00"},{"caller": "0x561cc54ba480","charPos": 4422,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Core/","class": "Function","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "a Function","class": "Function","vars": [{"name": "def","value": {"asString": "< FunctionDef in Method Exception:reportError >","class": "FunctionDef"}},{"name": "context","value": {"asString": "Frame (0x561cc70da378) of Exception:reportError","class": "Frame"}}]}},{"name": "handler","value": {"asString": "a Function","class": "Function","vars": [{"name": "def","value": {"asString": "< FunctionDef in Method Exception:reportError >","class": "FunctionDef"}},{"name": "context","value": {"asString": "Frame (0x561cc70da378) of Exception:reportError","class": "Frame"}}]}}],"vars": [{"name": "result","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}}],"type": "Method","method": "try","address": "0x561cc57557c0"},{"caller": "0x561cc63796c0","charPos": 425,"file": "/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/supercolliderjs/lib/supercollider-js/SystemOverwrites/","class": "Exception","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "a DoesNotUnderstandError","class": "DoesNotUnderstandError","vars": [{"name": "what","value": {"asString": "'DoesNotUnderstandError'","class": "Symbol"}},{"name
           SUPERCOLLIDERJS:0:CHUNK:": "protectedBacktrace","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "path","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "receiver","value": {"asString": "QtGUI","class": "Meta_QtGUI"}},{"name": "selector","value": {"asString": "'tabletSlider2D'","class": "Symbol"}},{"name": "args","value": {"asString": "[  ]","class": "Array"}}]}}],"type": "Method","method": "reportError","address": "0x561cc54ba480"},{"caller": "0x561cc5e31ec0","charPos": 2017,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Core/","class": "Nil","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}},{"name": "error","value": {"asString": "a DoesNotUnderstandError","class": "DoesNotUnderstandError","vars": [{"name": "what","value": {"asString": "'DoesNotUnderstandError'","class": "Symbol"}},{"name": "protectedBacktrace","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "path","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "receiver","value": {"asString": "QtGUI","class": "Meta_QtGUI"}},{"name": "selector","value": {"asString": "'tabletSlider2D'","class": "Symbol"}},{"name": "args","value": {"asString": "[  ]","class": "Array"}}]}}],"type": "Method","method": "handleError","address": "0x561cc63796c0"},{"caller": "0x561cc4baf940","charPos": 2077,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Core/","class": "Thread","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "a Thread","class": "Thread","vars": [{"name": "state","value": {"asString": "0","class": "Integer"}},{"name": "func","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "stack","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "method","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "block","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "frame","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "ip","value": {"asString": "(nil)","class": "RawPointer"}},{"name": "sp","value": {"asString": "(nil)","class": "RawPointer"}},{"name": "numpop","value": {"asString": "0","class":
           SUPERCOLLIDERJS:0:CHUNK: "Integer"}},{"name": "receiver","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "numArgsPushed","value": {"asString": "0","class": "Integer"}},{"name": "parent","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "terminalValue","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "primitiveError","value": {"asString": "5000","class": "Integer"}},{"name": "primitiveIndex","value": {"asString": "141","class": "Integer"}},{"name": "randData","value": {"asString": "Int32Array[ -2029395829, -789466900, -1072674788, 0 ]","class": "Int32Array"}},{"name": "beats","value": {"asString": "0.472672388","class": "Float"}},{"name": "seconds","value": {"asString": "0.472672388","class": "Float"}},{"name": "clock","value": {"asString": "SystemClock","class": "Meta_SystemClock"}},{"name": "nextBeat","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "endBeat","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "endValue","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "environment","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "exceptionHandler","value": {"asString": "a Function","class": "Function"}},{"name": "threadPlayer","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "executingPath","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "oldExecutingPath","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}}]}},{"name": "error","value": {"asString": "a DoesNotUnderstandError","class": "DoesNotUnderstandError","vars": [{"name": "what","value": {"asString": "'DoesNotUnderstandError'","class": "Symbol"}},{"name": "protectedBacktrace","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "path","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "receiver","value": {"asString": "QtGUI","class": "Meta_QtGUI"}},{"name": "selector","value": {"asString": "'tabletSlider2D'","class": "Symbol"}},{"name": "args","value": {"asString": "[  ]","class": "Array"}}]}}],"type": "Method","method": "handleError","address": "0x561cc5e31ec0"},{"caller": "0x561cc4bad840","charPos": 7858,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCol
           SUPERCOLLIDERJS:0:CHUNK:lider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Core/","class": "Object","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "a DoesNotUnderstandError","class": "DoesNotUnderstandError","vars": [{"name": "what","value": {"asString": "'DoesNotUnderstandError'","class": "Symbol"}},{"name": "protectedBacktrace","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "path","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "receiver","value": {"asString": "QtGUI","class": "Meta_QtGUI"}},{"name": "selector","value": {"asString": "'tabletSlider2D'","class": "Symbol"}},{"name": "args","value": {"asString": "[  ]","class": "Array"}}]}}],"type": "Method","method": "throw","address": "0x561cc4baf940"},{"caller": "0x561cc5e21440","charPos": 7189,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Core/","class": "Object","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "QtGUI","class": "Meta_QtGUI"}},{"name": "selector","value": {"asString": "'tabletSlider2D'","class": "Symbol","vars": []}},{"name": "args","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}}],"type": "Method","method": "doesNotUnderstand","address": "0x561cc4bad840"},{"caller": "0x561cc641c080","address": "0x561cc5e21440","args": [{"name": "name","value": {"asString": "'tabletSlider2D'","class": "Symbol","vars": []}}],"context": "SuperColliderJS","type": "Function"},{"caller": "0x561cc6470b00","address": "0x561cc641c080","args": [{"name": "elem","value": {"asString": "'tabletSlider2D'","class": "Symbol","vars": []}},{"name": "i","value": {"asString": "7","class": "Integer","vars": []}}],"context": "SuperColliderJS","type": "Function"},{"caller": "0x561cc641bcc0","charPos": 5243,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Collections/","class": "ArrayedCollection","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "[ numberBox, slider, rangeSlider, slider2D, multiSliderView, popUpMenu, listView, tabletSlider2D, ezSlider, ezNumber, knob, button ]","class": "Array","vars": []}},{"name": "function","value": {"asString": "
           SUPERCOLLIDERJS:0:CHUNK:a Function","class": "Function","vars": [{"name": "def","value": {"asString": "< FunctionDef in Method Collection:collectAs >","class": "FunctionDef"}},{"name": "context","value": {"asString": "Frame (0x561cc714b5f8) of Collection:collectAs","class": "Frame"}}]}}],"vars": [{"name": "i","value": {"asString": "7","class": "Integer","vars": []}}],"type": "Method","method": "do","address": "0x561cc6470b00"},{"caller": "0x561cc6607380","charPos": 3947,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Collections/","class": "Collection","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "[ numberBox, slider, rangeSlider, slider2D, multiSliderView, popUpMenu, listView, tabletSlider2D, ezSlider, ezNumber, knob, button ]","class": "Array","vars": []}},{"name": "function","value": {"asString": "a Function","class": "Function","vars": [{"name": "def","value": {"asString": "< FunctionDef in Method Meta_CV:buildViewDictionary >","class": "FunctionDef"}},{"name": "context","value": {"asString": "Frame (0x561cc4e93918) of Function","class": "Frame"}}]}},{"name": "class","value": {"asString": "Array","class": "Meta_Array"}}],"vars": [{"name": "res","value": {"asString": "[ IdentityDictionary[ (class QSlider -> class CVSyncInput), (class QPopUpMenu -> class SVSync), (class QMultiSliderView -> class CVSyncMulti), (class QListView -> class SVSync), (class QSlider2D -> a CVSyncProps),   (class QRangeSlider -> a CVSyncProps), (class QNumberBox -> class CVSyncValue) ], IdentityDictionary[ (class QSlider -> class CVSyncInput), (class QPopUpMenu -> class SVSync), (class QMultiSliderView -> class CVSyncMulti), (class QListView -> class SVSync), (class QSlider2D -> a CVSyncProps), ...etc...","class": "Array","vars": []}}],"type": "Method","method": "collectAs","address": "0x561cc641bcc0"},{"caller": "0x561cc65faa40","charPos": 6639,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Collections/","class": "Dictionary","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "IdentityDictionary[ (qt -> cla
           SUPERCOLLIDERJS:0:CHUNK:ss QtGUI) ]","class": "IdentityDictionary","vars": [{"name": "array","value": {"asString": "[ nil, nil, qt, class QtGUI, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil ]","class": "Array"}},{"name": "size","value": {"asString": "1","class": "Integer"}},{"name": "proto","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "parent","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "know","value": {"asString": "false","class": "False"}}]}},{"name": "argArray","value": {"asString": "[ nil, nil, qt, class QtGUI, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil ]","class": "Array","vars": []}},{"name": "function","value": {"asString": "a Function","class": "Function","vars": [{"name": "def","value": {"asString": "< FunctionDef in Method Dictionary:do >","class": "FunctionDef"}},{"name": "context","value": {"asString": "Frame (0x561cc4afcde8) of Dictionary:do","class": "Frame"}}]}}],"vars": [{"name": "i","value": {"asString": "2","class": "Integer","vars": []}},{"name": "j","value": {"asString": "1","class": "Integer","vars": []}},{"name": "key","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}},{"name": "val","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}},{"name": "arraySize","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}}],"type": "Method","method": "keysValuesArrayDo","address": "0x561cc6607380"},{"caller": "0x561cc65fb700","charPos": 2775,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Collections/","class": "Dictionary","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "IdentityDictionary[ (qt -> class QtGUI) ]","class": "IdentityDictionary","vars": [{"name": "array","value": {"asString": "[ nil, nil, qt, class QtGUI, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil ]","class": "Array"}},{"name": "
           SUPERCOLLIDERJS:0:CHUNK:size","value": {"asString": "1","class": "Integer"}},{"name": "proto","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "parent","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "know","value": {"asString": "false","class": "False"}}]}},{"name": "function","value": {"asString": "a Function","class": "Function","vars": [{"name": "def","value": {"asString": "< FunctionDef in Method Dictionary:do >","class": "FunctionDef"}},{"name": "context","value": {"asString": "Frame (0x561cc4afcde8) of Dictionary:do","class": "Frame"}}]}}],"type": "Method","method": "keysValuesDo","address": "0x561cc65faa40"},{"caller": "0x561cc5e204c0","charPos": 2983,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Collections/","class": "Dictionary","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "IdentityDictionary[ (qt -> class QtGUI) ]","class": "IdentityDictionary","vars": [{"name": "array","value": {"asString": "[ nil, nil, qt, class QtGUI, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil ]","class": "Array"}},{"name": "size","value": {"asString": "1","class": "Integer"}},{"name": "proto","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "parent","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "know","value": {"asString": "false","class": "False"}}]}},{"name": "function","value": {"asString": "a Function","class": "Function","vars": [{"name": "def","value": {"asString": "< FunctionDef in Method Meta_CV:buildViewDictionary >","class": "FunctionDef"}},{"name": "context","value": {"asString": "Frame (0x561cc7191918) of Meta_CV:buildViewDictionary","class": "Frame"}}]}}],"type": "Method","method": "do","address": "0x561cc65fb700"},{"caller": "0x561cc6db9d40","charPos": 1722,"file": "/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Conductor/classes/CV/","class": "Meta_CV","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "CV","class": "Meta_CV"}}],"vars": [{"name": "connectDictionary","value": {"
           SUPERCOLLIDERJS:0:CHUNK:asString": "( 'tabletSlider2D': a CVSyncProps, 'ezSlider': class CVSyncValue, 'numberBox': class CVSyncValue, 'rangeSlider': a CVSyncProps,   'slider2D': a CVSyncProps, 'popUpMenu': class SVSync, 'slider': class CVSyncInput, 'knob': class CVSyncInput, 'ezNumber': class CVSyncValue,   'listView': class SVSync, 'button': class CVSyncValue, 'multiSliderView': class CVSyncMulti )","class": "Event","vars": [{"name": "array","value": {"asString": "[ tabletSlider2D, a CVSyncProps, ezSlider, class CVSyncValue, numberBox, class CVSyncValue, rangeSlider, a CVSyncProps, slider2D, a CVSyncProps, popUpMenu, class SVSync, slider, class CVSyncInput, knob, class CVSyncInput, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, ezNumber, class CVSyncValue, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, listView, class SVSync, button, class CVSyncValue, nil, nil, multiSliderView, class CVSyncMulti ]","class": "Array"}},{"name": "size","value": {"asString": "12","class": "Integer"}},{"name": "proto","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "parent","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "know","value": {"asString": "true","class": "True"}}]}}],"type": "Method","method": "buildViewDictionary","address": "0x561cc5e204c0"},{"caller": "0x561cc6470b00","charPos": 280,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Control/","class": "Function","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "a Function","sourceCode": "{ CV.buildViewDictionary }","class": "Function","vars": [{"name": "def","value": {"asString": "< closed FunctionDef >","class": "FunctionDef"}},{"name": "context","value": {"asString": "Frame (0x561cc4f7ced8) of Interpreter:functionCompileContext","class": "Frame"}}]}}],"type": "Method","method": "doOnStartUp","address": "0x561cc6db9d40"},{"caller": "0x561cc6500dc0","charPos": 5243,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Collections/","class": "ArrayedCollection","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "[ 
           SUPERCOLLIDERJS:0:CHUNK:a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function ]","class": "Array","vars": []}},{"name": "function","value": {"asString": "a Function","sourceCode": "{ arg item; item.doOnStartUp  }","class": "Function","vars": [{"name": "def","value": {"asString": "< closed FunctionDef >","class": "FunctionDef"}},{"name": "context","value": {"asString": "Frame (0x561cc4f7ced8) of Interpreter:functionCompileContext","class": "Frame"}}]}}],"vars": [{"name": "i","value": {"asString": "25","class": "Integer","vars": []}}],"type": "Method","method": "do","address": "0x561cc6470b00"},{"caller": "0x561cc609e6c0","charPos": 1946,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Collections/","class": "List","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "List[ a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function ]","class": "List","vars": [{"name": "array","value": {"asString": "[ a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function ]","class": "Array"}}]}},{"name": "function","value": {"asString": "a Function","sourceCode": "{ arg item; item.doOnStartUp  }","class": "Function","vars": [{"name": "def","value": {"asString": "< closed FunctionDef >","class": "FunctionDef"}},{"name": "context","value": {"asString": "Fram
           SUPERCOLLIDERJS:0:CHUNK:e (0x561cc4f7ced8) of Interpreter:functionCompileContext","class": "Frame"}}]}}],"type": "Method","method": "do","address": "0x561cc6500dc0"},{"caller": "0x561cc522efc0","charPos": 1371,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Control/","class": "Meta_StartUp","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "StartUp","class": "Meta_StartUp"}}],"type": "Method","method": "run","address": "0x561cc609e6c0"},{"charPos": 217,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/DefaultLibrary/","class": "Main","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "a Main","class": "Main"}}],"vars": [{"name": "didWarnOverwrite","value": {"asString": "false","class": "False","vars": []}}],"type": "Method","method": "startup","address": "0x561cc522efc0"}]}
error  : Timeout waiting for sclang to boot
            reject(new _Errors2.default('CompileError', _this3.stateWatcher.result));

TypeError: _Errors2.default is not a constructor
    at SCLang.bootListener (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/supercolliderjs/src/lang/sclang.js:186:18)
    at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
    at SCLang.emit (events.js:191:7)
    at SclangIO.<anonymous> (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/supercolliderjs/src/lang/sclang.js:272:9)
    at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
    at SclangIO.emit (events.js:191:7)
    at SclangIO.setState (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/supercolliderjs/src/lang/internals/sclang-io.js:108:12)
    at Timeout._onTimeout (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/supercolliderjs/src/lang/sclang.js:202:29)
    at ontimeout (timers.js:386:14)
    at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:250:5)
    at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:214:5)

npm ERR! Linux 4.8.0-46-lowlatency
npm ERR! argv "/home/gilfuser/.nvm/versions/node/v7.9.0/bin/node" "/home/gilfuser/.nvm/versions/node/v7.9.0/bin/npm" "run" "siren"
npm ERR! node v7.9.0
npm ERR! npm  v4.2.0
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! Siren@0.1.1 siren: `node server/start.js`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Failed at the Siren@0.1.1 siren script 'node server/start.js'.
npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.
npm ERR! If you do, this is most likely a problem with the Siren package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR!     node server/start.js
npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:
npm ERR!     npm bugs Siren
npm ERR! Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via:
npm ERR!     npm owner ls Siren
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.

Okay, I think the issue might be in your paths. It's not tested on Linux yet and I am not sure about the paths but we'll get onto that soon. Meanwhile, can you confirm that tidal is currently up and running? I suspect that it fails to boot tidal too

No, tidal is running fine.

I think the paths are correct. Something could be missing though. This is how my json file is:

  "userpath": "/home/gilfuser/",
  "debug": true,
  "ghcipath": "/usr/bin/ghci",
  "sclang": "/usr/local/bin/sclang",
  "scsynth": "/usr/local/bin/scsynth",
  "sclang_conf": "/home/gilfuser/.config/SuperCollider/sclang_conf.yaml",
  "samples_path": "/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Dirt-Samples/*",
  "path": "/home/gilfuser/Siren/config/config.json",
  "tidal_boot": "/home/gilfuser/Siren/config/tidal-boot-default.hs",
  "scd_start": "/home/gilfuser/Siren/config/scd-start-default.scd"

Were any instances of SuperCollider already running when you tried using the system? You don't have to boot SuperCollider separately for Siren. Other instances may conflict with the system if there were any. I'll also update readme about this.

Hi. You are right. I had an instance of SC running.
I tried again without it. Now I'm getting a more reasonable sized error.
Here is all the information about it:

from the terminal:
gilfuser@gilfuser-ThinkPad-E470:~/Siren$ npm run siren

Siren@0.1.1 siren /home/gilfuser/Siren
node server/start.js

UDP server listening on
Server started at http://localhost:3001
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

Error: spawn \usr\bin\ghci ENOENT
at exports._errnoException (util.js:1050:11)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:193:32)
at onErrorNT (internal/child_process.js:367:16)
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:80:11)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:104:9)

npm ERR! Linux 4.8.0-46-lowlatency
npm ERR! argv "/home/gilfuser/.nvm/versions/node/v7.9.0/bin/node" "/home/gilfuser/.nvm/versions/node/v7.9.0/bin/npm" "run" "siren"
npm ERR! node v7.9.0
npm ERR! npm v4.2.0
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! Siren@0.1.1 siren: node server/start.js
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the Siren@0.1.1 siren script 'node server/start.js'.

Uploading Bildschirmfoto_2017-04-13_13-28-24.png…

Error: spawn \usr\bin\ghci ENOENT it seems like GHC couldn't be found.

Could you double check if the paths are correct in your system? I'll update the Linux configs sometime around the weekend.

Also, the state of the button shouldn't be square once it tries to boot SC. you are doing an npm run siren and then trying to boot it right?

Yep. there was a mistake in the path.
Unfortunately this got me back to were I was yesterday.
The button is working now.
Here is what I get in the terminal and the log file:

UDP server listening on
Server started at http://localhost:3001
debug : {
"debug": true,
"echo": true,
"stdin": true,
"langPort": 57120,
"serverPort": 57110,
"host": "",
"protocol": "udp",
"websocketPort": 4040,
"sclang": "/usr/local/bin/sclang",
"scsynth": "/usr/local/bin/scsynth",
"sclang_conf": "/home/gilfuser/.config/SuperCollider/sclang_conf.yaml",
"userpath": "/home/gilfuser/",
"ghcipath": "/usr/bin/ghci",
"port": 3001,
"samples_path": "/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Dirt-Samples/*",
"path": "/home/gilfuser/Siren/config/config.json",
"tidal_boot": "/home/gilfuser/Siren/config/tidal-boot-default.hs",
"scd_start": "/home/gilfuser/Siren/config/scd-start-default.scd",
"configPath": "/home/gilfuser/Siren/config/config.json"
<Buffer 47 48 43 69 2c 20 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 20 37 2e 31 30 2e 33 3a 20 68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 77 77 77 2e 68 61 73 6b 65 6c 6c 2e 6f 72 67 2f 67 68 63 2f 20 ... >
<Buffer 50>
<Buffer 72 65 6c 75 64 65 3e 20>


Could not find module ‘Sound.Ti

Perhaps you meant
Sound.Tidal.Context (from tidal-0.9@tidal_Bh


Could not find module ‘Sound.Tidal

Perhaps you meant
Sound.Tidal.Context (from tidal-0.9@tidal_BhKKs

debug : init_OSC
compiling class library...

Not in scope: ‘midiDevices’


Not in scope: ‘midiStream’
Perhaps you meant ‘dir
tStream’ (imported from S

Not in scope: ‘


Not in scope: ‘synthController’

:52:11: parse error on input ‘=’

parse error on input ‘=’

parse error on input ‘=’

5:18: parse error on input ‘=’

:56:23: parse error on input ‘

:57:22: parse error on input ‘=’

:58:26: parse error on input ‘=’


:59:18: parse error on input ‘=’

4: parse error on input ‘=’

parse error on input ‘=’

:62:78: parse error on input ‘,

interactive>:63:84: parse error on input ‘]’

:64:15: parse error on input ‘where’

:14: parse error on input ‘=’

:66:15: parse error on input ‘=’

:67:10: parse error on input ‘=’

:68:17: parse error on input ‘=’


:69:10: parse error on input ‘=’

:70:9: parse error on input ‘=’

:71:21: parse error on input ‘=’

:72:18: parse error on input ‘

: parse error on input ‘=’

:13: parse error on input ‘=’

17: parse error on input ‘=’

76:20: parse error on input ‘=’

:13: parse error on input ‘=’

:13: parse error on input ‘=’

:20: parse error on input ‘=’

:80:7: parse error on input ‘whe re’

81:16: parse error on input ‘=’

: parse error on input ‘=’

:17: parse error on input ‘=’

14: parse error on input ‘=’

85:17: parse error on input ‘=’

:20: parse error on input ‘=’

:87:27: parse error on input ‘=’

:88:15: parse error on input ‘=’

:89:15: parse error on input


:90:20: parse error on input ‘

parse error on input ‘=’

92:16: parse error on input ‘=’

3:7: parse error on input ‘where’

:94:17: parse error on input ‘=’

:95:7: parse error on input ‘where’

:96:16: parse error on input ‘=’

:97:16: parse error on input ‘=’

8:13: parse error on input ‘=’

:99:11: parse error on input ‘=’

💯11: parse error on input ‘=’

:101:17: parse error on input ‘=’

:102:22: parse error on input ‘=’

parse error on input

:107:10: parse error on input ‘=’

:108:10: parse error on input ‘=’

109:8: parse error on input ‘=’

parse error on input ‘=’

:111:12: parse error on input ‘=’

:112:13: parse error on input ‘

:113:14: parse error on input ‘=’

: parse error on input ‘=’

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parse error on input ‘=’

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:119:10: parse error on input ‘=’

parse error on input ‘=’

:121:10: parse error on input ‘=’

122:10: parse error on input ‘=’

: parse error on input ‘=’

:124:10: parse error on input

tive>:125:13: parse error on input ‘=’

parse error on input ‘=’

:127:13: parse error on input ‘=’

parse error on input ‘=’

:129:11: parse error on input ‘=’

parse error on input ‘=’

parse error on input ‘=’

:132:10: parse error on input

:133:11: parse error on input ‘=’

34:10: parse error on input ‘=’

: parse error on input ‘=’

parse error on input ‘=’

:137:11: parse error on input ‘=’

parse error on input ‘=’

:139:11: parse error on input ‘=’

140:12: parse error on input ‘=


:141:11: parse error on input


:142:11: parse error on input

:143:10: parse error on input

:144:11: parse error on input ‘=’ :145:16: parse error on input ‘=’ :146:20: parse error on input ‘=’

147:20: parse error on input ‘


:148:26: parse error on input

:149:26: parse error on input ‘= ’ :150:24: parse error on input ‘= ’ :151:22: parse error on input ‘=’

152:22: parse error on input ‘=

parse error on input ‘=’

:154:22: parse error on input ‘=’

155:18: parse error on input ‘


:156:18: parse error on input

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:158:24: parse error on input ‘

parse error on input ‘=’

parse error on input ‘=’

:161:22: parse error on input ‘=’ :162:30: parse error on input ‘=’ :163:18: parse error on input ‘=’ :164:18: parse error on input ‘ =’ :165:26: parse error on input ‘ =’


:166:24: parse error on input

:167:26: parse error on input

parse error on input ‘=’

:169:28: parse error on input ‘=’ :170:20: parse error on input ‘ =’ :171:10: parse error on input ‘ =’

parse error on input ‘=’


parse error on input ‘=’

:174:28: parse error on input ‘=’

parse error on input ‘=’

176:22: parse error on input ‘=’

:177:11: parse error on input ‘=’

<Buffer 74 69 64 61 6c 3e 20 74 69 64 61 6c 3e 20>
debug : initPassOne started
NumPrimitives = 712
initPassOne done
compiling dir: '/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary'
compiling dir: '/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/BBCut'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Conductor'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Wavesets'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/KeyPlayer'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/JITLibExtensions'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/KtlLoop'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Vowel'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Dirt-Samples'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/SuperDirt'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/ListeningClocks'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Republic'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Modality-toolkit'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Influx'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/CuePlayer'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/FileLog'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/PitchCircle'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/ModalityWorkshop'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/MathLib'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/VectorSpace'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/APCmini'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Bjorklund'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Utopia'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/AllGui'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/TuningLib'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Feedback'
compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/supercolliderjs/lib/supercollider-js'
pass 1 done
debug : numentries = 1745204 / 35786940 = 0.049
8582 method selectors, 4170 classes
method table size 30868384 bytes, big table size 286295520
Number of Symbols 21209
Byte Code Size 758838
compiled 842 files in 0.45 seconds
Info: 37 methods are currently overwritten by extensions. To see which, execute:
compile done
debug : Class tree inited in 0.01 seconds
debug : hi
debug : hi
debug : hi
debug :
debug : SUPERCOLLIDERJS:0:CHUNK:{"selector": "tabletSlider2D","what": "DoesNotUnderstandError","args": [],"receiver": {"asString": "QtGUI","class": "Meta_QtGUI"},"class": "DoesNotUnderstandError","errorString": "ERROR: Message 'tabletSlider2D' not understood.","backtrace": [{"caller": "0x55e9f48ccb40","charPos": 4283,"file": "/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/supercolliderjs/lib/supercollider-js/","class": "Meta_SuperColliderJS","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "SuperColliderJS","class": "Meta_SuperColliderJS"}},{"name": "err","value": {"asString": "a DoesNotUnderstandError","class": "DoesNotUnderstandError","vars": [{"name": "what","value": {"asString": "'DoesNotUnderstandError'","class": "Symbol"}},{"name": "protectedBacktrace","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "path","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "receiver","value": {"asString": "QtGUI","class": "Meta_QtGUI"}},{"name": "selector","value": {"asString": "'tabletSlider2D'","class": "Symbol"}},{"name": "args","value": {"asString": "[ ]","class": "Array"}}]}},{"name": "compiledFunc","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}}],"vars": [{"name": "out","value": {"asString": "[ ]","class": "Array","vars": []}},{"name": "currentFrame","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}},{"name": "def","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}},{"name": "ownerClass","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}},{"name": "methodName","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}},{"name": "callerAddress","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}},{"name": "startAtDef","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}},{"name": "stopAtDef","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}},{"name": "addingFrame","value": {"asString": "false","class": "False","vars": []}}],"type": "Method","method": "getBacktrace","address": "0x55e9f48cef40"},{"caller": "0x55e9f60ee780","charPos": 2644,"file": "/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/supercolliderjs/lib/supercollid
SUPERCOLLIDERJS:0:CHUNK:er-js/","class": "Meta_SuperColliderJS","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "SuperColliderJS","class": "Meta_SuperColliderJS"}},{"name": "err","value": {"asString": "a DoesNotUnderstandError","class": "DoesNotUnderstandError","vars": [{"name": "what","value": {"asString": "'DoesNotUnderstandError'","class": "Symbol"}},{"name": "protectedBacktrace","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "path","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "receiver","value": {"asString": "QtGUI","class": "Meta_QtGUI"}},{"name": "selector","value": {"asString": "'tabletSlider2D'","class": "Symbol"}},{"name": "args","value": {"asString": "[ ]","class": "Array"}}]}},{"name": "getBacktrace","value": {"asString": "true","class": "True","vars": []}},{"name": "compiledFunc","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}}],"vars": [{"name": "data","value": {"asString": "( 'selector': tabletSlider2D, 'what': DoesNotUnderstandError, 'args': [ ], 'receiver': ( 'asString': QtGUI, 'class': class Meta_QtGUI ), 'class': class DoesNotUnderstandError, 'errorString': ERROR: Message 'tabletSlider2D' not understood. )","class": "Event","vars": [{"name": "array","value": {"asString": "[ nil, nil, nil, nil, selector, tabletSlider2D, what, DoesNotUnderstandError, args, [ ], receiver, ( 'asString': QtGUI, 'class': class Meta_QtGUI ), class, class DoesNotUnderstandError, errorString, ERROR: Message 'tabletSlider2D' not understood., nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil ]","class": "Array"}},{"name": "size","value": {"asString": "6","class": "Integer"}},{"name": "proto","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "parent","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "know","value": {"asString": "true","class": "True"}}]}}],"type": "Method","method": "encodeError","address": "0x55e9f48ccb40"},{"caller": "0x55e9f495cc00","address": "0x55e9f60ee780","context": "SuperColliderJS","vars": [{"name": "error","value": {"asString": "nil","clas
SUPERCOLLIDERJS:0:CHUNK:s": "Nil","vars": []}}],"type": "Function"},{"caller": "0x55e9f495c6c0","charPos": 4541,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Core/","class": "Function","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "a Function","class": "Function","vars": [{"name": "def","value": {"asString": "< FunctionDef in Method Exception:reportError >","class": "FunctionDef"}},{"name": "context","value": {"asString": "Frame (0x55e9f61b1ab8) of Exception:reportError","class": "Frame"}}]}}],"vars": [{"name": "result","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}},{"name": "thread","value": {"asString": "a Thread","class": "Thread","vars": [{"name": "state","value": {"asString": "0","class": "Integer"}},{"name": "func","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "stack","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "method","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "block","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "frame","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "ip","value": {"asString": "(nil)","class": "RawPointer"}},{"name": "sp","value": {"asString": "(nil)","class": "RawPointer"}},{"name": "numpop","value": {"asString": "0","class": "Integer"}},{"name": "receiver","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "numArgsPushed","value": {"asString": "0","class": "Integer"}},{"name": "parent","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "terminalValue","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "primitiveError","value": {"asString": "5000","class": "Integer"}},{"name": "primitiveIndex","value": {"asString": "141","class": "Integer"}},{"name": "randData","value": {"asString": "Int32Array[ 233935572, 783730076, -470068961, 0 ]","class": "Int32Array"}},{"name": "beats","value": {"asString": "0.450229539","class": "Float"}},{"name": "seconds","value": {"asString": "0.450229539","class": "Float"}},{"name": "clock","value": {"asString": "SystemClock","class": "Meta_SystemClock"}},{"name": "nextBeat","value": {"asString":
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SUPERCOLLIDERJS:0:CHUNK:ClassLibrary/Common/Core/","class": "Object","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "a DoesNotUnderstandError","class": "DoesNotUnderstandError","vars": [{"name": "what","value": {"asString": "'DoesNotUnderstandError'","class": "Symbol"}},{"name": "protectedBacktrace","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "path","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "receiver","value": {"asString": "QtGUI","class": "Meta_QtGUI"}},{"name": "selector","value": {"asString": "'tabletSlider2D'","class": "Symbol"}},{"name": "args","value": {"asString": "[ ]","class": "Array"}}]}}],"type": "Method","method": "throw","address": "0x55e9f3dd3840"},{"caller": "0x55e9f5017640","charPos": 7189,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Core/","class": "Object","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "QtGUI","class": "Meta_QtGUI"}},{"name": "selector","value": {"asString": "'tabletSlider2D'","class": "Symbol","vars": []}},{"name": "args","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}}],"type": "Method","method": "doesNotUnderstand","address": "0x55e9f3dd1740"},{"caller": "0x55e9f55e2880","address": "0x55e9f5017640","args": [{"name": "name","value": {"asString": "'tabletSlider2D'","class": "Symbol","vars": []}}],"context": "SuperColliderJS","type": "Function"},{"caller": "0x55e9f563cb00","address": "0x55e9f55e2880","args": [{"name": "elem","value": {"asString": "'tabletSlider2D'","class": "Symbol","vars": []}},{"name": "i","value": {"asString": "7","class": "Integer","vars": []}}],"context": "SuperColliderJS","type": "Function"},{"caller": "0x55e9f55e24c0","charPos": 5243,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Collections/","class": "ArrayedCollection","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "[ numberBox, slider, rangeSlider, slider2D, multiSliderView, popUpMenu, listView, tabletSlider2D, ezSlider, ezNumber, knob, button ]","class": "Array","vars": []}},{"name": "function","value": {"asString": "a Functi
SUPERCOLLIDERJS:0:CHUNK:on","class": "Function","vars": [{"name": "def","value": {"asString": "< FunctionDef in Method Collection:collectAs >","class": "FunctionDef"}},{"name": "context","value": {"asString": "Frame (0x55e9f69071b8) of Collection:collectAs","class": "Frame"}}]}}],"vars": [{"name": "i","value": {"asString": "7","class": "Integer","vars": []}}],"type": "Method","method": "do","address": "0x55e9f563cb00"},{"caller": "0x55e9f57cb8c0","charPos": 3947,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Collections/","class": "Collection","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "[ numberBox, slider, rangeSlider, slider2D, multiSliderView, popUpMenu, listView, tabletSlider2D, ezSlider, ezNumber, knob, button ]","class": "Array","vars": []}},{"name": "function","value": {"asString": "a Function","class": "Function","vars": [{"name": "def","value": {"asString": "< FunctionDef in Method Meta_CV:buildViewDictionary >","class": "FunctionDef"}},{"name": "context","value": {"asString": "Frame (0x55e9f40b4c88) of Function","class": "Frame"}}]}},{"name": "class","value": {"asString": "Array","class": "Meta_Array"}}],"vars": [{"name": "res","value": {"asString": "[ IdentityDictionary[ (class QListView -> class SVSync), (class QPopUpMenu -> class SVSync), (class QNumberBox -> class CVSyncValue), (class QMultiSliderView -> class CVSyncMulti), (class QSlider -> class CVSyncInput), (class QRangeSlider -> a CVSyncProps), (class QSlider2D -> a CVSyncProps) ], IdentityDictionary[ (class QListView -> class SVSync), (class QPopUpMenu -> class SVSync), (class QNumberBox -> class CVSyncValue), (class QMultiSliderView -> class CVSyncMulti), (class QSlider -> class CVSyncInpu...etc...","class": "Array","vars": []}}],"type": "Method","method": "collectAs","address": "0x55e9f55e24c0"},{"caller": "0x55e9f57bf100","charPos": 6639,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Collections/","class": "Dictionary","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "IdentityDictionary[ (qt -> class QtGU
SUPERCOLLIDERJS:0:CHUNK:I) ]","class": "IdentityDictionary","vars": [{"name": "array","value": {"asString": "[ nil, nil, qt, class QtGUI, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil ]","class": "Array"}},{"name": "size","value": {"asString": "1","class": "Integer"}},{"name": "proto","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "parent","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "know","value": {"asString": "false","class": "False"}}]}},{"name": "argArray","value": {"asString": "[ nil, nil, qt, class QtGUI, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil ]","class": "Array","vars": []}},{"name": "function","value": {"asString": "a Function","class": "Function","vars": [{"name": "def","value": {"asString": "< FunctionDef in Method Dictionary:do >","class": "FunctionDef"}},{"name": "context","value": {"asString": "Frame (0x55e9f40270a8) of Dictionary:do","class": "Frame"}}]}}],"vars": [{"name": "i","value": {"asString": "2","class": "Integer","vars": []}},{"name": "j","value": {"asString": "1","class": "Integer","vars": []}},{"name": "key","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}},{"name": "val","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}},{"name": "arraySize","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil","vars": []}}],"type": "Method","method": "keysValuesArrayDo","address": "0x55e9f57cb8c0"},{"caller": "0x55e9f57bfdc0","charPos": 2775,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Collections/","class": "Dictionary","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "IdentityDictionary[ (qt -> class QtGUI) ]","class": "IdentityDictionary","vars": [{"name": "array","value": {"asString": "[ nil, nil, qt, class QtGUI, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil ]","class": "Array"}},{"name": "size","
SUPERCOLLIDERJS:0:CHUNK:value": {"asString": "1","class": "Integer"}},{"name": "proto","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "parent","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "know","value": {"asString": "false","class": "False"}}]}},{"name": "function","value": {"asString": "a Function","class": "Function","vars": [{"name": "def","value": {"asString": "< FunctionDef in Method Dictionary:do >","class": "FunctionDef"}},{"name": "context","value": {"asString": "Frame (0x55e9f40270a8) of Dictionary:do","class": "Frame"}}]}}],"type": "Method","method": "keysValuesDo","address": "0x55e9f57bf100"},{"caller": "0x55e9f50166c0","charPos": 2983,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Collections/","class": "Dictionary","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "IdentityDictionary[ (qt -> class QtGUI) ]","class": "IdentityDictionary","vars": [{"name": "array","value": {"asString": "[ nil, nil, qt, class QtGUI, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil ]","class": "Array"}},{"name": "size","value": {"asString": "1","class": "Integer"}},{"name": "proto","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "parent","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "know","value": {"asString": "false","class": "False"}}]}},{"name": "function","value": {"asString": "a Function","class": "Function","vars": [{"name": "def","value": {"asString": "< FunctionDef in Method Meta_CV:buildViewDictionary >","class": "FunctionDef"}},{"name": "context","value": {"asString": "Frame (0x55e9f66419d8) of Meta_CV:buildViewDictionary","class": "Frame"}}]}}],"type": "Method","method": "do","address": "0x55e9f57bfdc0"},{"caller": "0x55e9f5f61300","charPos": 1722,"file": "/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Conductor/classes/CV/","class": "Meta_CV","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "CV","class": "Meta_CV"}}],"vars": [{"name": "connectDictionary","value": {"asStrin
SUPERCOLLIDERJS:0:CHUNK:g": "( 'tabletSlider2D': a CVSyncProps, 'ezSlider': class CVSyncValue, 'numberBox': class CVSyncValue, 'rangeSlider': a CVSyncProps, 'slider2D': a CVSyncProps, 'popUpMenu': class SVSync, 'slider': class CVSyncInput, 'knob': class CVSyncInput, 'ezNumber': class CVSyncValue, 'listView': class SVSync, 'button': class CVSyncValue, 'multiSliderView': class CVSyncMulti )","class": "Event","vars": [{"name": "array","value": {"asString": "[ tabletSlider2D, a CVSyncProps, ezSlider, class CVSyncValue, numberBox, class CVSyncValue, rangeSlider, a CVSyncProps, slider2D, a CVSyncProps, popUpMenu, class SVSync, slider, class CVSyncInput, knob, class CVSyncInput, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, ezNumber, class CVSyncValue, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, listView, class SVSync, button, class CVSyncValue, nil, nil, multiSliderView, class CVSyncMulti ]","class": "Array"}},{"name": "size","value": {"asString": "12","class": "Integer"}},{"name": "proto","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "parent","value": {"asString": "nil","class": "Nil"}},{"name": "know","value": {"asString": "true","class": "True"}}]}}],"type": "Method","method": "buildViewDictionary","address": "0x55e9f50166c0"},{"caller": "0x55e9f563cb00","charPos": 280,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Control/","class": "Function","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "a Function","sourceCode": "{ CV.buildViewDictionary }","class": "Function","vars": [{"name": "def","value": {"asString": "< closed FunctionDef >","class": "FunctionDef"}},{"name": "context","value": {"asString": "Frame (0x55e9f41a0dd8) of Interpreter:functionCompileContext","class": "Frame"}}]}}],"type": "Method","method": "doOnStartUp","address": "0x55e9f5f61300"},{"caller": "0x55e9f566cf80","charPos": 5243,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Collections/","class": "ArrayedCollection","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "[ a Funct
SUPERCOLLIDERJS:0:CHUNK:ion, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function ]","class": "Array","vars": []}},{"name": "function","value": {"asString": "a Function","sourceCode": "{ arg item; item.doOnStartUp }","class": "Function","vars": [{"name": "def","value": {"asString": "< closed FunctionDef >","class": "FunctionDef"}},{"name": "context","value": {"asString": "Frame (0x55e9f41a0dd8) of Interpreter:functionCompileContext","class": "Frame"}}]}}],"vars": [{"name": "i","value": {"asString": "25","class": "Integer","vars": []}}],"type": "Method","method": "do","address": "0x55e9f563cb00"},{"caller": "0x55e9f528c640","charPos": 1946,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Collections/","class": "List","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "List[ a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function ]","class": "List","vars": [{"name": "array","value": {"asString": "[ a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function, a Function ]","class": "Array"}}]}},{"name": "function","value": {"asString": "a Function","sourceCode": "{ arg item; item.doOnStartUp }","class": "Function","vars": [{"name": "def","value": {"asString": "< closed FunctionDef >","class": "FunctionDef"}},{"name": "context","value": {"asString": "Frame (0x55
SUPERCOLLIDERJS:0:CHUNK:e9f41a0dd8) of Interpreter:functionCompileContext","class": "Frame"}}]}}],"type": "Method","method": "do","address": "0x55e9f566cf80"},{"caller": "0x55e9f443bf40","charPos": 1371,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/Common/Control/","class": "Meta_StartUp","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "StartUp","class": "Meta_StartUp"}}],"type": "Method","method": "run","address": "0x55e9f528c640"},{"charPos": 217,"file": "/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary/DefaultLibrary/","class": "Main","args": [{"name": "this","value": {"asString": "a Main","class": "Main"}}],"vars": [{"name": "didWarnOverwrite","value": {"asString": "false","class": "False","vars": []}}],"type": "Method","method": "startup","address": "0x55e9f443bf40"}]}
error : Timeout waiting for sclang to boot
reject(new _Errors2.default('CompileError', _this3.stateWatcher.result));

TypeError: _Errors2.default is not a constructor
at SCLang.bootListener (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/supercolliderjs/src/lang/sclang.js:186:18)
at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
at SCLang.emit (events.js:191:7)
at SclangIO. (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/supercolliderjs/src/lang/sclang.js:272:9)
at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
at SclangIO.emit (events.js:191:7)
at SclangIO.setState (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/supercolliderjs/src/lang/internals/sclang-io.js:108:12)
at Timeout._onTimeout (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/supercolliderjs/src/lang/sclang.js:202:29)
at ontimeout (timers.js:386:14)
at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:250:5)
at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:214:5)

npm ERR! Linux 4.8.0-46-lowlatency
npm ERR! argv "/home/gilfuser/.nvm/versions/node/v7.9.0/bin/node" "/home/gilfuser/.nvm/versions/node/v7.9.0/bin/npm" "run" "siren"
npm ERR! node v7.9.0
npm ERR! npm v4.2.0
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! Siren@0.1.1 siren: node server/start.js
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the Siren@0.1.1 siren script 'node server/start.js'.
npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.
npm ERR! If you do, this is most likely a problem with the Siren package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR! node server/start.js
npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:
npm ERR! npm bugs Siren
npm ERR! Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via:
npm ERR! npm owner ls Siren
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! /home/gilfuser/.npm/_logs/2017-04-13T12_54_06_164Z-debug.log

I just tried something different and got to somewhere else.
If I hit the play button before npm run siren
I get none of those errors from before. It is still is not working. But maybe there is some new tip of what going on.

Here is what I'm getting everytime the scene changes:

Pattern inbound: []
TypeError: Cannot read property 'killed' of undefined
at sendPatterns (/home/gilfuser/Siren/server/app.js:154:41)
at /home/gilfuser/Siren/server/app.js:175:5
at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5)
at next (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:137:13)
at Route.dispatch (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:112:3)
at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5)
at /home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:281:22
at Function.process_params (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:335:12)
at next (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:275:10)
at /home/gilfuser/Siren/server/app.js:121:5
at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5)
at trim_prefix (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:317:13)
at /home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:284:7
at Function.process_params (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:335:12)
at next (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:275:10)
at /home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/body-parser/lib/read.js:129:5
Pattern inbound: []
TypeError: Cannot read property 'killed' of undefined
at sendPatterns (/home/gilfuser/Siren/server/app.js:154:41)
at /home/gilfuser/Siren/server/app.js:175:5
at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5)
at next (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:137:13)
at Route.dispatch (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:112:3)
at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5)
at /home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:281:22
at Function.process_params (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:335:12)
at next (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:275:10)
at /home/gilfuser/Siren/server/app.js:121:5
at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5)
at trim_prefix (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:317:13)
at /home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:284:7
at Function.process_params (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:335:12)
at next (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:275:10)
at /home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/body-parser/lib/read.js:129:5
Pattern inbound: []

and in the browser:

You shouldn't really be doing that because run siren starts up the server to be booted by pressing the button. It's basically sending a message to nowhere hence the error.

I think that there are some issues with your paths. I'll be able to provide an example when I test it on Linux

So here is the confirmed config file for ubuntu 16.10. It all seem to be up and running.

{ "userpath": "/home/mauro", "debug": true, "ghcipath": "/usr/bin/ghci", "sclang": "/usr/local/bin/sclang", "scsynth": "/usr/local/bin/scsynth", "sclang_conf": "/home/mauro/.config/SuperCollider/sclang_conf.yaml", "port": 3001, "path" : "/home/mauro/baku/livecode/Siren/config/config.json", "tidal_boot": "/home/mauro/baku/livecode/Siren/config/tidal-boot-default.hs", "scd_start": "/home/mauro/baku/livecode/Siren/config/scd-start-default.scd" }

note that sclang/scsynth were manually built.

Let me know if you can make any sense of it. Otherwise try cabal update && cabal install Cabal && cabal install tidal==0.9then clone Siren and npm install, setup config.json and npm start from scratch

Your config file confirmed that I have no problems with mine. Changing the names, they are the same. Yours is missing "samples_path", I think.
Just tried again with everything fresh. Still got no luck.

Thank you for your patience. If you need me to do any test or if you think on something I could try, just ask


Well, I got an idea and now I have at least narrowed the error I'm getting.
I turned all Quarks off with the exception of SuperDirt, Dirt Samples and Vowel.
I also found in scd-start-default this:
and one of the complains in the error is about the class Link also in this file, which apparently not exists.

Again what I'm getting in the terminal:

gilfuser@gilfuser-ThinkPad-E470:~/Siren$ npm run siren

> Siren@0.1.1 siren /home/gilfuser/Siren
> node server/start.js

UDP server listening on
Server started at http://localhost:3001
debug  : {
             "debug": true,
             "echo": true,
             "stdin": true,
             "langPort": 57120,
             "serverPort": 57110,
             "host": "",
             "protocol": "udp",
             "websocketPort": 4040,
             "sclang": "/usr/local/bin/sclang",
             "scsynth": "/usr/local/bin/scsynth",
             "sclang_conf": "/home/gilfuser/.config/SuperCollider/sclang_conf.yaml",
             "userpath": "/home/gilfuser",
             "ghcipath": "/usr/bin/ghci",
             "port": 3001,
             "path": "/home/gilfuser/Siren/config/config.json",
             "tidal_boot": "/home/gilfuser/Siren/config/tidal-boot-default.hs",
             "scd_start": "/home/gilfuser/Siren/config/scd-start-default.scd",
             "configPath": "/home/gilfuser/Siren/config/config.json"
<Buffer 47 48 43 69 2c 20 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 20 37 2e 31 30 2e 33 3a 20 68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 77 77 77 2e 68 61 73 6b 65 6c 6c 2e 6f 72 67 2f 67 68 63 2f 20 ... >
<Buffer 50 72 65 6c 75 64 65 3e 20>

 location info>:

    Could not find module
    Perhaps you meant
      Sound.Tidal.Context (from tidal-0.

<no location info>:
debug  : init_OSC
debug  : compiling class library...

    Could not find module ‘Sound.Tidal.MIDI.Context’
    Perhaps you meant
      Sound.Tidal.Context (from tid

 Not in scope: ‘midiDevices’


    Not in scope: ‘midiSt
    Perhaps you meant ‘dirtStream’ (imported from

 Not in scope:

 Not in scope: ‘synthContro

e>:52:11: parse error on input ‘=’

1: parse error on input ‘=

:19: parse error on input ‘=

8: parse error on input ‘=

23: parse error on input ‘

22: parse error on input ‘

: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:59:18: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:60:24: parse error on input ‘=’

:61:35: parse error on input ‘=’

2:78: parse error on input ‘,’

3:84: parse error on input ‘]

:64:15: parse error on input 

parse error on input ‘=’

ve>:66:15: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:67:10: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:68:17: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:69:10: parse error on input ‘=’

9: parse error on input ‘=’

:21: parse error on input ‘=’

18: parse error on input ‘=’

14: parse error on input ‘=’

3: parse error on input ‘=’

17: parse error on input ‘=’

:20: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:77:13: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:78:13: parse error on input ‘=’

79:20: parse error on input ‘=’

:7: parse error on input ‘where’

:16: parse error on input ‘=’

:17: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:83:17: parse error on input ‘=’

ctive>:84:14: parse error on input ‘=’

 parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:86:20: parse error on input ‘=’

7:27: parse error on input ‘=’

5: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:89:15: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:90:20: parse error on input ‘=’

ractive>:91:22: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:92:16: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:93:7: parse error on input

<interactive>:94:17: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:95:7: parse error on input ‘where’

ve>:96:16: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:97:16: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:98:13: parse error on input ‘

<interactive>:99:11: parse error on input ‘=’

1: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:101:17: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:102:22: parse error on input ‘=’

ve>:103:26: parse error on input ‘

07:10: parse error on input ‘=

parse error on input ‘=’

:109:8: parse error on input

parse error on input ‘=’

:111:12: parse error on input

 parse error on input ‘=’

parse error on input ‘=’

>:114:9: parse error on input

parse error on input ‘=’

parse error on input ‘=’

>:117:10: parse error on input ‘=’

:118:10: parse error on input

parse error on input ‘=’

:10: parse error on input ‘=’

: parse error on input ‘=’

:122:10: parse error on input

<interactive>:123:13: parse error on input 

parse error on input ‘=’

parse error on input ‘=’

parse error on input ‘=’

 parse error on input

:128:10: parse error on input 

29:11: parse error on input ‘=

:11: parse error on input ‘=’

:13: parse error on input ‘=’

132:10: parse error on input ‘=

133:11: parse error on input ‘=’

34:10: parse error on input ‘=

:135:11: parse error on input 

:136:12: parse error on input 

:137:11: parse error on input ‘=’

8:13: parse error on input ‘=’

39:11: parse error on input ‘=’

140:12: parse error on input ‘=

:141:11: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:142:11: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:143:10: parse error on input ‘

parse error on input ‘=’

5:16: parse error on input ‘=’

 parse error on input ‘=’

7:20: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:148:26: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:149:26: parse error on input ‘=’

50:24: parse error on input ‘=’

51:22: parse error on input ‘=’

152:22: parse error on input ‘=’

22: parse error on input ‘=’

154:22: parse error on input ‘=’

:18: parse error on input ‘=’

56:18: parse error on input ‘=’

:157:21: parse error on input ‘

:24: parse error on input ‘=’

59:20: parse error on input ‘=’

:160:24: parse error on input ‘

debug  : initPassOne started
           	NumPrimitives = 712
           initPassOne done
           	compiling dir: '/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary'
           	compiling dir: '/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Dirt-Samples'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Vowel'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/SuperDirt'
           	compiling dir: '/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/supercolliderjs/lib/supercollider-js'
           	pass 1 done

<interactive>:161:22: parse error on input ‘=’

parse error on input ‘=’

163:18: parse error on input ‘=

:164:18: parse error on input ‘=

165:26: parse error on input ‘=

166:24: parse error on input 

 parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:168:22: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:169:28: parse error on input ‘=’

active>:170:20: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:171:10: parse error on input ‘=’

: parse error on input ‘=’

:173:34: parse error on input

174:28: parse error on input ‘

175:30: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:176:22: parse error on input ‘=’

<interactive>:177:11: parse error on input ‘=

<Buffer 74 69 64 61 6c 3e 20 74 69 64 61 6c 3e 20>
debug  : 	numentries = 1370831 / 21306680 = 0.064
           	6158 method selectors, 3460 classes
           	method table size 21133416 bytes, big table size 170453440
           	Number of Symbols 15910
           	Byte Code Size 518923
           	compiled 540 files in 0.34 seconds
           Info: 11 methods are currently overwritten by extensions. To see which, execute:
           compile done
debug  : Class tree inited in 0.01 seconds
debug  : 
           *** Welcome to SuperCollider 3.9dev. *** For help type ctrl-c ctrl-h (Emacs) or :SChelp (vim) or ctrl-U (sced/gedit).
debug  : SuperColliderJS.interpret("cj1iekd670000a4k899zgvth7","(__NL__s.options.numOutputBusChannels = 6;__NL__s.options.numBuffers = 2048 * 16;__NL__s.options.maxNodes = 1024 * 16;__NL__s.options.memSize_(65536 * 4);__NL__s.quit;__NL____NL__s.waitForBoot {__NL____NL__ ~dirt = SuperDirt(2, s);__NL__ ~dirt.loadSoundFiles;__NL__ s.sync;__NL__ ~dirt.start(57120, (0,2 .. 5));__NL__ ~dirt.orderModules([__SLASH__shape, __SLASH__lpf]);__NL__  Link.enable;__NL__  0.2.wait;__NL__  Link.setTempo(120,1);__NL__  s.makeGui;__NL__  s.meter;__NL__  s.scope;__NL__  s.latency = 0.3;__NL__  // \"/Users/canince/documents/github/sq/deps/SynthDefs/experimentsc.scd\".load;__NL__  }__NL__)__NL__",nil,false,false,false);
debug  : 
debug  : ERROR: Class not defined.
             in file 'selected text'
             line 15 char 6:
           ERROR: Class not defined.
             in file 'selected text'
             line 17 char 6:
Unhandled rejection [object Object]
    at Object.fn (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/supercolliderjs/src/lang/internals/sclang-io.js:272:23)
    at /home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/supercolliderjs/src/lang/internals/sclang-io.js:73:19
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at SclangIO.parse (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/supercolliderjs/src/lang/internals/sclang-io.js:67:29)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (/home/gilfuser/Siren/node_modules/supercolliderjs/src/lang/sclang.js:294:25)
    at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:191:7)
    at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:178:18)
    at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:136:10)
    at Pipe.onread (net.js:560:20)

There are a lot of warnings when I do npm start to. If you think it worth I can paste them here

@gilfuser We are aware of the warnings and I'll handle them in the next release.

Also, I am setting up a Ubuntu test station. It would be a lot easier to test if we are on the same platform.

I can confirm the same issues on ArchLinux on the master branch

@gilfuser I've just managed to boot SuperCollider by removing the Link.setTempo line from scd-start-default.scd file. Still no sounds coming out, but I'll update here if I make any other progress

edit: It does not work from the pattern matrix (but it could be me using it wrong), but I can now send code to the tidal console via the Console input text field, and finally can hear sounds!

Hi @Psykopear there might a small issue with transition which will be fixed in the next version. For now, try typing in a transition function such as (clutchIn 4) and run the timer

Lots of things have changed since then. feel free to open it if the issue still persists