
Interface: Global pause and channel pause buttons not working

jarmitage opened this issue · 7 comments

Play works initially but trying to pause thereafter using either interface element doesn't work

This should be fixed with the latest commits.

Edit: I thought you were referring to a bug where the pause won't work properly. Like @cannc4 said, currently pause/stop on the timer doesn't silence the audio playback. We'll add this in one of the future releases.

Just testing again, still not working.


  • Launch Siren
  • Create new scene
  • Add a channel and a pattern
  • Click global play, pattern plays
  • Click global pause, pattern continues
  • Click channel pause, pattern continues
  • After some time maybe it stops

Also, when a pattern is running, editing the pattern itself it's hard to know when it's going to update.

Sometimes it updates quickly, other times it doesn't update at all.

The timer isn't connected to the tidal/audio at all but would make sense to stop/pause the patterns as well.

maybe with a cps trick? cps 0 pauses/stops the tidal patterns

I think it wouldn't make sense to stop the patterns by channel timer as you might want to pause it and let the pattern

What is "the timer"?

A labelled screenshot in the Readme with expected functions would be good, because right now it's hard to tell if something is functioning wrong, or I just don't know what it's supposed to do or what the correct workflow should be.

Just to be clear;
The timer in the menubar activates the pulse mechanism of the system,
Once it's active, you can gate the channels individually and start their timers
At this point, the only connection/sync with Tidal/SC comes via AbletonLink as it's the main pulse source of the system. link will be supported in the next SC release afaik supercollider/supercollider#3351

Would be great to know the expectations from the specific interface objects
eg. should tidal be stopped when the channel is stopped

This is still unclear I'm afraid but I'm sure we can figure it out.

  1. What do you mean by "gate" the channels individually, and "start their timers"?
  2. How is the menubar timer related to the channel timers?
  3. What do these pause buttons actually pause if not the Tidal patterns?
  4. How else am I supposed to pause the Tidal patterns if not using the pause buttons?

I think a lot of this confusion stems from that when I initially press Play it play sounds, so when I press Pause I expect it to pause the sound but it doesn't.

I know you're still moving pretty fast on this so it may not be appropriate to start writing docs, but I think just something outlining concepts like this could be good if they're not going to change much.

Ok well since this is based on a misunderstanding I will close this for now.