
[ahk script] Transform selected text into a .md file ready fo transclusion in Obsidian.

Primary LanguageAutoHotkey

odsbn-autosnipp.ahk :

For use with Obsidian.md.

update 20200806 : now works with AutoHotkey ANSI (obsidian-autosnipp_A) or Unicode (obsidian-autosnipp_U)

a quick way to create reference blocks/transclusions from text selection with CTRL SHIFT X / CTRL V.
You can also clone a block with CTRL SHIFT C


  • before first use: edit the .ahk to configure your destination folder and naming convention.
  • select a block of text and use CTR+SHIFT+X (or CTRL+SHIFT+C for copy) to cut the selected text into a NEW FILE in the /snippets directory of your vault (create the folder beforehand to avoid problems). The file will be named in the format :
    yourvault/snippets/yyyyMM/xx_yyyyMMhhmmss-msec_%sourcewindowtitle%.md and the link to the file is put in the clipboard, ready to be pasted as an Obsidian transclusion (with the format ![[%yourfile%]]).


since Obsidian doesn't have block-level transclusions, this is a quick hack to get the same functionnality, but manually. Select your text, hit the shortcut, the selection is now a file that can be referenced elsewhere and modified, thus making clones or instances.


if you are using Autohotkey Unicode, run obsidian-autosnipp_U.ahk, if you are using Autohotkey Ansi, run obsidian-autosnipp_A.ahk, or else you will get errors.



the ahk script will save the selected text into a new markdown file in a specified obsidian vault. The script will put the link to the new file in the clipboard, ready to be pasted as a transclusion in Obsidian.

Obsidian-autosnipp.png obsdn-autosnipp_firefox.png