
Update the tutorial for addressing initial feedback

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Why it needs to get done

After promoting the DSS tutorial and working towards publishing it to the Ubuntu documentation page we got the following feedback we want to address:

  1. It would be helpful to have a small paragraph at the beginning explaining a bit more what the DSS is
  2. The tutorial should be a safe place, where users don't have to think of different deployment options
  3. Showing the message of [INFO] Waiting for deployment mlflow in namespace dss to be ready... multiple times is not a good UX and make people feel something is not going as expected
  4. If we know a step could take a while, we should have an admonition to let users know
  5. We should point at MicroK8s docs the first time the word is shown

What needs to get done

We'll need to handle this feedback in 2 directions

  1. We'll need to update the tutorial from the above feedback
  2. Update the DSS CLI command to not show the initialisation message multiple times

In this task we'll focus on the documentation changes

When is the task considered done

When we make the following changes to the docs:

  1. A paragraph at the beginning explaining what the DSS is
  2. Move out the NVIDIA initialisation part, and ref to it as next steps at the end (to our how-to guide)
  3. Put the microk8s docs link in the requirements, where the microk8s word is first shown
  4. Have a warning to let people know that initialise might take some time
  5. Remove the "under the hood" section in initialise, as it's too technical

Thank you for reporting us your feedback!

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