
Config key "source.wipe" may not be used

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Good morning

I set up an lxd cluster with microcloud this morning and at the end of microcloud init i get this error:

Error: Config key "source.wipe" may not be used as member-specific key

UPLINK is pending and no storage create

lxc network list
| UPLINK | physical | YES     |      |      |             | 0       | PENDING |
| ens2   | physical | NO      |      |      |             | 0       |         |
| ens5   | physical | NO      |      |      |             | 0       |         |
| vlan15 | vlan     | NO      |      |      |             | 0       |         |
lxc init ubuntu:22.04
Creating the instance
Error: Failed instance creation: Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed getting root disk: No root device could be found

here are my snap configurations on ubuntu="22.04.3 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)" on 3 scaleway instances

snap install with:

for i in microceph microovn microcloud ; do snap install $i --cohort="+"; done && $ snap refresh lxd --channel=latest/stable --cohort="+"
# snap list
Name        Version                 Rev    Tracking       Publisher   Notes
core20      20230801                2015   latest/stable  canonical✓  base
core22      20231123                1033   latest/stable  canonical✓  base
lxd         5.0.2-838e1b2           24322  5.0/stable/…   canonical✓  -
microceph   0+git.4a608fc           793    quincy/stable  canonical✓  in-cohort
microcloud  1.1-04a1c49             734    latest/stable  canonical✓  in-cohort
microovn    22.03.3+snap1d18f95c73  349    22.03/stable   canonical✓  in-cohort
snapd       2.60.4                  20290  latest/stable  canonical✓  snapd

strange, work now !!!

got same error

reinstall does not help

If you're getting the source.wipe error, that means your LXD is out of date on some system. That does seem odd to me since you have snap refresh lxd --channel latest/stable in your first post. Can you confirm that each system is actually on the stable version (5.12+)? You can check this with lxc --version on each system.

All 4 nodes are hardware identical and deployed Ubuntu 22.04 LTS by MaaS with same cloud init config:

version: 1
  - openvswitch-switch
    00: snap set system proxy.http=""
    01: snap set system proxy.https=""
    02: snap install lxd --cohort="+"
    03: snap install microceph --cohort="+"
    04: snap install microovn --cohort="+"
    05: snap install microcloud --cohort="+"
    06: snap refresh --cohort="+"

Hmm, so 22.04 LTS should come with LXD 5.0 preinstalled, so the snap install lxd line might not be grabbing the latest version. You may want to try snap refresh --channel latest/stable.

You will need at least LXD 5.0.3 to support source.wipe option. Please use snap refresh lxd to get it.

snap refresh --channel latest/stable

That it! Perfect!

Fixed by #261