HA storage for MinIO
Opened this issue · 2 comments
gustavosr98 commented
I understand MinIO charm does not support to be clustered (App POV)
Also I understand that to have HA storage (Storage POV) you could use gateway mode + S3 (Being public cloud or Ceph)
However, do we have a supported or tested way to do HA Storage when deploying on-premises (no Ceph involved)?
I know for COS Lite we have used Maystor Microk8s add-on
With this bug ATM
i-chvets commented
@gustavosr98 I do not think we have HA story for on-prem deployment. If you have some architecture/solution in mind, please provide instructions on how it can be setup and we can try to test it out.
gustavosr98 commented