
Should Minio provide relation to create a bucket?

ca-scribner opened this issue · 1 comments

In working on canonical/mlflow-operator#34, it was discussed whether or not a charm that wants to relate to and use the object store should be responsible (and thus have the code/tests around) creating it's own bucket, or if the minio charm should provide this somehow. This idea should be elaborated on.

Pros: to remove complexity in all the charms that would use object storage. Without central function for this in the minio charm, all other charms that need a bucket (eg: mlflow) need the logic to create their own if it does not exist.

Cons: not sure, but I think there are some. Not sure how this would map to multi-user scenarios (it isn't as complex for our single-user minio, but if we want per-user buckets etc this gets much more complex).

Minio is getting replaced, we are not prioritising this issue anymore.