
Implement NGC container notebook integration

Closed this issue · 1 comments


we need to enable users to run Notebooks with NGC container images.

What needs to get done

  • Create the PodDefault yaml file in the jupyter-controller charm directory
  • Add an integration to jupyter-controller charm with the name ngc-command. The name of the integration is unique to NGC so we can add other poddefaults integrations for different containers in the future. The integration has a provides interface with the name pod-defaults, this is the interface required by the resource-dispatcher charm.
  • Implement an event handler in the jupyter-controller charm for the on.ngc_command_relation_changed event to send the PodDefault to the relation interface

Definition of Done

The following flow works:

  1. user adds juju relation between jupyter-controller and resource-dispatcher charms
  2. the new PodDefault exists in the user namespace
  3. user creates a notebook with choosing the NGC Poddefault from the configurations dropdown
  4. user can connect to the notebook and it has the expected NGC image

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